
We'd like to tell you about the SEND Local Offer. It brings together in one place lots of really useful information and advice on services and resources for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities and for their parents and carers. Every local authority must have a local offer, although each local authority SEND Local Offer will look slightly different. They will all be on a website which includes information about health and social care services and a list of what you can do locally. Some of the information will cover topics such as: early years, education schools and training, and other support available.
It will also have information on local health and social care services, where to get help with travel and any financial support such as benefits you could be entitled to. You'll also find information on promoting independence, preparing for adulthood and planning for the future. The Local Offer will also include details of local services. This will help you find out about places to go and things to do, all the clubs, activities and fun stuff available in the area. There will also be information on parent support groups, community groups and organisations children and young people and their parents can join. The SEND Local Offer can help you make more informed choices about the future and live a more fulfilled life. Children, young people and parents can also be involved in the development of their area's Local Offer. Your feedback will always be welcomed on how it can be improved. If you can't access the internet at home, try your local library or speak to people at your school or local college.

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Published date
30 March 2022