
So the second meeting of the climate change board, Margot, covered quite a lot of areas how do you think you went generally?

Thank you. I think it went really well, we had our second meeting today and we've subdivided some of the activities that we're going to get involved in and we've been delighted that Chris Lovett from E.ON has agreed to chair the sub pathfinder group on reducing emissions. Do you want to tell us a little bit more about that uh Chris?

Yeah so really pleased to be involved in that. E.ON, we put a lot of effort into working with cities, local authorities, individual residential homes to work out how we can better insulate properties, give people better understanding of their energy consumption and put in technologies ranging from better insulation, you know, right the way through to heat pumps solar pv getting ready for ev as we find a route to electrify our transportation.

Fantastic, great and we'll be looking into in-depth at some of the other areas that we know we've got to cut emissions across the city at our next meeting.

We will, the purpose of the board clearly is to bring forward clear recommendations for action on the ground that's why we want experts on our board that's what's going to make the difference here in Coventry to change climate change.

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Published date
18 February 2022