
Hello, I’m here at Westminster car park. I’m here with the founder of urban airport Ricky Sandhu and his wife Andrea, I just want to have a little conversation about what is going on here urban airport.

So an urban airport is a new piece of infrastructure that's going to start popping up all around our country, around the world, but it's going to start from here, in Coventry and it's a piece of infrastructure that will allow advanced influence drones and passenger air taxis to land you take off.

And you're actually in charge of constructing this site for us aren't you, so what are we going to see over the next few weeks?

So we've got an 11-week build program. Starting next week is week number two after enabling work setting up the site so we've got big steel deliveries coming in from Monday.

We're going to see a lot going on.

Yes we will have about eight to ten different trades on site and after the 11 weeks we'll have a three-week event the air one event in Coventry and then a six weeks dismantling period.

So tell me Ricky you mentioned drones so are people going to see drones flying about? Are they going to see people in the air? What exactly do people expect to see when they come here?

It's going to be really exciting. So we're going to have one of the most advanced vehicles here but it will be a static model of a 16 metre wingspan passenger taxi to get close to which people have never seen before but we're also going to have real drones, cargo delivery drones taking off and flying in this city right here.

Happening here in Coventry the only place this is happening anywhere in the world, a world first happening right here in Coventry.

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Published date
10 February 2022