83 Baginton Road, Coventry
Post Code
Faith Building
Opening Times

10am-11.30am Tues & Thurs


Informal Coffee Mornings -  Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10am

Luncheon Club - Thursday 12pm - Come along and enjoy a good, home-cooked lunch and meet new friends. Places are limited, so please contact the church office to put your name down on a list for lunch.

“Move it or Lose It” Fitness Class - Friday 10 - 11am - £5 will get you an hour of senior-friendly exercise with a trained instructor. Please register at 9.30am the first time you attend.

Tea Dance - Second Friday of each month 2 - 4pm - Come along to the main hall once a month and join a group of people who just like to dance. No pressure, no need to be skilled and no judges’ score cards!

“Bounce & Play” Toddler Group - Wednesday mornings £5 per session - Contact the Church Office for dates - Bouncy Castles, Soft Play Area, Ball Pools & much more!

Sing Your Heart Out” A dementia-friendly social group open to all who enjoy singing for fun, led by an experienced music teacher - Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday from 1.30 to 3pm
