
What we do

We provide a named school nurse in each school in Coventry, to help children and young people (from school entry to 19 years old) to take responsibility for their own health and to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

We also assess the health needs of the school community, planning and implementing programmes that promote and protect public health. We work in partnership with other agencies to address wider threats to, and inequalities, in health.

Coventry School Nursing Service supports the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme 5-19 years old (DH 2009) and adheres to the guidance as per Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Board. This includes for example the delivery of the National Child Measurement Programme, Reception and Year 6 Health Assessments and Hearing Screening.

Health focused websites

Coventry School Nurses have launched two new websites, one aimed at children and another tailored towards teenagers:

www.healthforkids.co.uk offers a fun way for children to learn about health with games, activities and quizzes.

www.healthforteens.co.uk hosts videos and webchats as well as articles to educate teenagers on a range of health topics such as contraception, mental health, drugs and alcohol.

Chat Health texting service

Chat health is a free service that enables 11-18 year olds across Coventry to send confidential SMS text messages to School Nurses who will provide impartial advice and support. The number to text is 07507 331949.

Parent Advice

Parents can call the School Nurses between 8.30am - 16.30pm, Monday to Friday on 02475189190 to discuss any child health concerns they may have.

For advice and support from your school nurse please text "Chat Health" on 07507 329114 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. If your child is unwell please call your GP or call 111. For medical emergencies ring 999.

Preparing for your appointment

An appointment with your school nurse or a member of the team could take place at the child’s school, at home or at a community centre.

Contact and Location

Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Team
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre
Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA

Tel: 024 7518 9190
