(Can be delivered as combined science or separate individual courses)
Teaching in the sciences in key stage 4 continues with the process of building upon and deepening scientific knowledge and the understanding of ideas developed in earlier key stages in the subject disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Teachers will ensure that all pupils are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
At North Star School we will ensure that pupils are taught the learning outcomes and subject content required from the GCSE specification for the awarding body that the pupil’s main education provider will be using – whether that is focused on a combined science qualification or a single science from the disciplines.
In line with Key Stage 4 expectations subject content taught will cover:
Cell biology
Transport systems
Health, disease and the development of medicines
Coordination and control
Evolution, inheritance and variation
Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Structure, bonding and the properties of matter
Chemical changes
Energy changes in chemistry
Rate and extent of chemical change
Chemical analysis
Chemical and allied industries
Earth and atmospheric science
Forces and motion
Wave motion
Magnetism and electromagnetism
The structure of matter
Atomic structure
Space physics
Through the content covered across all disciplines, pupils will also be taught:
Working Scientifically:
The development of scientific thinking
Experimental skills and strategies
Analysis and evaluation
Vocabulary, units, symbols and nomenclature