
The video opens with Laura Haigh stood in front of a Job Shop banner.

[music plays throughout]

Laura: My name is Laura Haigh and I'm an Employment Link Officer in the Coventry Job Shop.

My role is predominantly to create the link between customers and employers.

[at this point there is a cutaway shot of Laura assisting a customer on a laptop]

The Job Shop itself is a much brighter, open, more welcoming space.

We have a lot of facilities available to customers that we didn't have before, we're all on one level, we have an amazing sign in system now in multiple languages which is very very inclusive.

[at this point we see one of the Busy Pods, a panning shot of Job Shop staff working and a customer using her mobile phone on the sign in system]

We have privacy booths so customers who need that little bit more one-to-one attention we 

[at this point we see Laura sitting in a privacy booth with a customer]

can actually speak to them in private.

We have fantastic training rooms so should we want to run any events or we have extensive CV workshops and knowledge that we want to share with customers, we can bring them in 20, 30 at a time.

[at this point we see a Job Shop Employment Link Officer leading a training session]

We have more PC's available for use of customers should they want to complete job searches, CV alterations for themselves.

[at this point we see a customer using a PC]

It actually is empowering customers to be able to come into the Job Shop and use those facilities.

[at this point we see a panning shot of the facilities in the new Job Shop]

We also do have toilets available for customers, we didn't have toilets before. It means that people can relax in the environment a little bit more, take more time and we in turn can provide that little bit of extra support to them.

[at this point we see Laura talking to a fellow colleague]

The one word I would use to describe the new Job Shop is just a massive benefit. A benefit you know to residents of Coventry as a whole.

[at this point we see the front of the Job Shop]

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