Edge Training

Please see Training calendar

Course details


This course aims to provide guidance on the role of signatories & to update designated signatories in relation to the latest case law around their specific function within the DoLS procedures. The importance of the role is explored, particularly within the context of the increasing number of DoLS appeals going to the Court of Protection across England & Wales. It is designed to provide signatories with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the statutory function of an authorising signatory.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the responsibilities of the Supervisory Body in relation to DoLS
  • Explain the statutory basis and functions of a signatory
  • Consider what evidence and information DoLS assessors should present for signatories in the completed forms
  • Demonstrate critical evaluation of DoLS assessments
  • Explore how recent case law affects the role of the signatory and consider its application in practice


  • How does DoLS fit into the wider Mental Capacity Act 2005?
  • Overview of the DoLS procedure & assessors
  • Why is scrutiny so important? case law and guidance
  • The DoLS assessments
  • Assessment of Capacity – legal requirements and guidance
  • The components of deprivation of liberty
  • The Supreme Court ‘acid’ test
  • Continuous supervision and control and not free to leave – guidance
  • The best interests checklist
  • Less restrictive and ‘available’ options
  • Selection & appointment of RPR – statutory eligibility, regulations & case law
  • Conditions
  • Renewals
  • DoLS appeals – guidance and research on the Court of Protection
  • Towards the future – Liberty Protection Safeguards
Course length
i day
Target group

Team Leaders and Service managers new to the role of DoLS Signatory.


Please book by sending an email to

Please include your employee ID number and the date you wish to attend