
Research shows that reading improves wellbeing. This video has been created to let you know a little bit more about the books you can access through Coventry libraries that can support you and those around you. In this short video we're going to tell you more about Reading Well for Dementia.

Reading Well for Dementia recommends helpful reading and digital resources for people living with dementia, their carers, and family members, including younger children to help them understand more about dementia. The new book list provides reliable information, advice and support as well as personal stories and age appropriate books for children [Music] Many titles are also available digitally as ebooks and audio books.

Everyone is welcome to visit our libraries browse around and borrow books for free if you prefer you can even use our self-service machines to borrow books on your own.


Discover how to become a member and access our collections including both physical and digital resources either by visiting your local library or visiting our website. o if you're searching for resources to support yourself or a loved one living with dementia just pop into a library near you and look for the Reading Well for Dementia books.


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Published date
19 August 2024