FOI and EIR requests about rubbish, recycling and waste.
- Complaints Regarding Public Toilets
- Complaints relating to Christmas lights or decorations
- Compost and woodchippings
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated land
- COP 26 coverage
- Cost of Tom White waste collection
- Council Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Council resources required for noise complaints
- Coventry Graffiti
- Coventry Solar Farm north of M6
- De-carbonisation targets
- Disposal of bulky waste items
- Disposal of flooring materials
- Dog fouling 2019 to 2023
- Dog fouling complaints
- Dog fouling prevalence over last 12 months
- Dogs placed in pounds
- Domestic heat pumps
- Ecology report for Keresley - August 2023
- Electric vehicle chargers
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure provision
- End destination for waste
- Energy costs
- Energy costs and Tree Planting
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Management System
- Energy Procurement and Decarbonisation
- Enforcement cases in the CV4 area
- Enforcement relating to smoke from domestic fires
- Environment Act Biodiversity Duty
- Environmental Health & Licensing related charges
- Environmental Health complaints
- Environmental Health Team
- Environmental Initiatives
- Equine abandonment / fly grazing
- EV charging
- Expenditure on Woodland within City Boundaries
- Exported plastic waste
- Extracting renewable energy from closed mines
- Feedstock for the incinerator
- Fines for Idle vehicles
- Fines for not recycling properly
- Fines issued at Stoke Hill Estate and Caludon Castle Park
- Fires and nuisance smoke reports
- First List Request
- Flood funding over the last decade
- Flood risk
- Flooding due to mine spoil heaps