FOI and EIR requests about rubbish, recycling and waste.
- Pest control
- Pest control
- Pesticide use by the Council
- Pesticides used by the Council
- PFR and BRG grant applications
- Plastic waste
- Plastic waste that has been shipped to Asia
- Pollution in or near Natura 2000 sites
- Polythene sacks and Wheeled steel and plastic containers
- Potholes numbers and payouts
- Public Register for Contaminated land
- Public toilets maintained 2019/20 and 2020/21
- Rat Callouts in Coventry
- Recycling and local air quality
- Recycling and Reuse Centre booking requirement
- Recycling refuse collectors noise exposure
- Reducing energy consumption
- Refuse collection and enforcement
- Registered cooling towers
- Reports of flytipping and fines
- Residential heat networks
- Revenue from public toilets
- Rewilding
- Rocks placed on verges
- Single use plastic fines
- Sites of ecological interest
- Smoke Control Areas
- Smoke Control Areas
- Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
- Solar energy produced and used by council properties
- Solar Energy Usage
- Spending on bin strike management 1/1/2022 to present
- Thermal Oxidisers
- Tom White waste collection contract
- Tree cutting
- Tree Cutting
- Tree Felling
- Tree Planting Programme
- Tree planting/clearing
- Tree Preservation Orders
- Tree removals and removal requests
- Tree-felling and tree-planting
- Trees cut down on Council land/highways
- Trees felled in CV1 area
- Updated bin strike cost
- Waste Handled by the Authority
- Waste sent for incineration
- Weedkiller
- WEEE collection contract renewal