- Reasons are children known to Social Care
- Reducing Parental Conflict grant
- Referrals made to Children's Services
- Referrals relating to radicalisation concerns
- Referrals to children's services about shoplifting
- Referrals to children's services from schools
- Referrals to social care
- Referrals to the MASH Team
- Regional Adoption Agency
- Removed school children
- Reports of child sexual abuse
- Residential Family Centres
- Return home interviews
- Return Home Interviews (RHI)
- Return Home Interviews and Post-missing support services
- S.20 Children Act 1989 and ethnicity
- S17 financial assistance
- Safeguarding Investigations into Children's Homes
- Safeguarding reviews
- School transport
- Section 47 Enquiries
- SEN direct payments
- SEND home to school transport
- Sibling Groups in Care
- Social Service Referrals - Transgender children
- Special Guardianship Allowance
- Special Guardianship allowances
- Specialist foster carers
- Staying Put data
- Step Down Foster Care
- Suicides due to forced adoptions
- Supported Accommodation for Children cost
- Supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers
- The EU Settlement Scheme
- The National Transfer Scheme
- Total number of UASC children cared for 2018 to 2020
- Transracial Adoption
- Two year olds claiming fifteen hours of free childcare
- UASC data
- UASC determined to be adults by the Home Office
- UASC from Vietnam
- Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking Looked After Children
- Unaccompanied child migrants
- Unregistered Care settings
- Unregistered children's homes
- Unregistered children's homes
- Unregulated and Supported Accommodation
- Unregulated Children's Social Care Accommodation
- Unregulated provision and children's homes costs