Coventry City Council believes in the importance of the principles of Diversity and Inclusion underpinning everything we do. We view diversity as a strength to be harnessed and aim to create an inclusive workplace culture that respects and values difference.

We are committed to promoting equality, diversity and good relations as a community leader, a provider and commissioner of services. As an employer, we aim to promote equality of opportunity to enable all employees to develop and maximise their true and full potential.

We recognise that individuals still experience discrimination and inequality in our society and therefore as an employer we take a proactive approach to identifying and redressing this within the workplace.

Since 2020, we have partnered with the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI). As a member of ENEI, we complete Talent Inclusion and Diversity Evaluations (TIDE), providing a benchmark of our D&I performance in areas like leadership and accountability, employment practices, recruitment and selection, procurement and communication and engagement. TIDE assessments have been instrumental in developing our current Workforce D&I strategy and measuring our progress.

In 2022, we advanced to the Embed stage of the TIDE roadmap and received a Silver Standard award for our progress. We are proud of this achievement but know there is still work to do. We continue to partner with ENEI as we create the next iteration of our D&I strategy and work towards building a more inclusive workplace for all.

Anti-racism position statement

Coventry City Council is committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation, showing that we are aware of both direct discrimination and systemic inequalities that colleagues from minority-ethnic backgrounds may experience. Commitment to anti-racism is an active position of reflection, education and interrogation, with the goal of equity for all. 

During 2022, Coventry City Council became early adopters of the Race Equality Code. As part of this code, and alongside our One Coventry values [] and Workforce Diversity and Inclusion strategy, we are committed to:

  1. A zero tolerance of racism, harassment and bullying
  2. Recognising that racism may impact the physical, mental, emotional, economic, social and spiritual health of our workforce and community
  3. Eradicating all forms of racism in the workplace, such as direct discrimination, microaggressions and systemic racism
  4. Encouraging our workforce to stand up and speak out against racism and discrimination
  5. Providing a safe reporting system and responding to all reports of racism and discrimination
  6. Recognising the lived experience of our minority-ethnic colleagues  
  7. Having clear expectations that all employees are aligned with our One Coventry Values and anti-racism position
  8. Providing specific anti-racism training, alongside our mandatory Diversity and Inclusion training
  9. Building a workforce that is representative of the diverse population we serve
  10. Measuring and monitoring the outcomes of our actions in how they reduce the impact of racism

Gender diversity position statement

Coventry City Council supports and welcomes employees who identify as transgender, non-binary and gender fluid and will take all reasonable measures to ensure they feel valued and welcome.

We will not tolerate discrimination, victimisation or harassment on the basis of a person’s gender identity, gender expression or trans status. We recognise that trans, non-binary and gender fluid employees contribute a wealth and variety of experience to the Council. By both protecting and working with trans, non-binary and gender fluid communities, this has a positive impact on our organisational priorities and values. We seek to provide a supportive environment for employees who are trans, non-binary or gender fluid and to create a culture and environment where employees are able to thrive and are well supported during any process of transition.

Pronouns position statement

Coventry City Council supports all colleagues sharing their pronouns at work. Everyone deserves to have their identity respected and using correct pronouns is a sign of mutual respect and courtesy. 

We have a responsibility to reflect the diverse communities we serve. Providing colleagues with the option to display their pronouns is important because it encourages allyship towards transgender and non-binary colleagues and citizens. The Council is committed to creating an inclusive workplace through simple, everyday actions that allow all colleagues to thrive and be their authentic selves. 

Menopause position statement

Coventry City Council aims to create an open and supportive culture that normalises discussion about menopause at work. The Council has created a Workforce Menopause Pledge that commits to the following:

  • Offering menopause training to all managers and employees
  • Holding forums for open, positive, and respectful conversation about menopause support in the workplace, including menopause cafés and lunch & learn events
  • Offering support via Occupational Health Safety and Wellbeing Service, which includes the menopause clinic
  • Keeping menopause on the agenda all year round with communication on support options, resources, and menopause education for all
  • Recognising the impact menopause can have on transgender and non-binary colleagues and providing support through an intersectional lens

The Council has signed the Wellbeing of Women menopause pledge.

Halo Code

Coventry City Council champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance.

We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps.

At Coventry, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.

The Council has adopted The Halo Code.

Disability Confident Leader

Disability Confident is creating a movement of change, encouraging employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop people with disabilities.

Coventry City Council is committed to removing barriers, increasing understanding and ensuring that disabled people have equitable opportunities to fulfil their potential.

The Council is a Disability Confident Leader (Level 3).

Disability Confident Level 3 means we:

  • commit to recruiting and retaining disabled people and ensuring this is reflected in job adverts at all levels/grades
  • provide a fully inclusive and accessible recruitment process []
  • ensure other opportunities that might lead to employment, such as apprenticeships, are available to disabled people
  • use our Disability Confident badge in job adverts to ensure applicants know we are an inclusive employer
  • offer an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for the job
  • are flexible when assessing people so disabled applicants have the best opportunity to demonstrate that they can do the job
  • proactively offer and make reasonable adjustments 
  • encourage suppliers and partner firms to be Disability Confident
  • ensure employees have appropriate disability equality awareness training.
  • provide an environment that is inclusive and accessible for staff, clients and customers
  • support employees to manage their disabilities or health conditions
  • value and listen to feedback from disabled staff
  • record and report on disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace