A Note from Susanna Newing, Director of Human Resources

Coventry City Council is committed to creating a One Coventry approach which is to be a welcoming, inclusive workplace.  We are moving to become an organisation with a culture that respects and values each other’s differences, promotes dignity, equality, diversity and inclusion whilst encouraging individuals to develop and maximise their true potential.  Being a diverse and inclusive employer is one of our top priorities.

We want our employees to feel that they can be themselves at work, valued for the distinct perspectives that they bring, and are able to go as far as their talents will take them – irrespective of their sex, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, disability, neurodiversity, learning difference, religion, belief or age. 

Feeling included is good for us as individuals; it is good for teams and good for the people and the communities we serve across Coventry.  It is therefore a disappointment to see that the Gender Pay Gap is a little larger this year, than last year, however we are also aware that our Gender Pay Gap is no wider than many of our comparator local authorities. 

In 2021 we launched our Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Strategy which sets out our D&I ambitions over the next three years. As part of our D&I work we continue to implement changes that will lead to improved outcomes for all of our employees.  Improving the Gender Pay Gap continues to be one of our key priorities. During the past year we have:

  • Delivered 'Recruiting for Workforce Diversity Training to over 250 recruiting managers.
  • We have continued to support our Employee Networks to play an active role across the Council.
  • We have become early adopters of the Race Equality Code
  • We have supported a number of employees to gain  leadership and management qualifications in order to strengthen our leadership capability.
  • We have delivered our first Positive Action programme for our employees from minority-ethnic backgrounds
  • Radically updated our flexible working policy to enable employees to work safely from home, this policy included  the providing employees with additional computer screens, desks and office chair in order to help meet the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic
  • We are implementing a new data warehousing system which will enable us to make better use of our workforce data across service areas.

We are proud of the progress that we are making and continue to be committed to ensuring our Gender Pay Gap remains a high priority. In addition, we are preparing to incorporate Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting to ensure that we are taking the necessary actions required to reduce pay disparity.

Download and print the report [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/5037/gender-pay-gap-report]

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

What is Gender Pay?

A gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between men and women across the entire organisation.

It is different from an equal pay comparison which looks at the pay between men and women who carry out the same job or work of equal value.

What causes a Gender Pay Gap?

There can be many reasons for a gender pay gap, however, it can be affected by the make-up of the workforce and a gender pay gap can be created, for example, when more men than women are employed in senior roles.

Gender Pay Gap Report results 2021

The difference between mean and median


This is calculated by adding together the hourly rate for all employees and dividing by the total number of employees.  This is calculated separately for men and women employees.


This is calculated by arranging the hourly rate for all employees from highest to lowest and is calculated separately for men and women employees.  The median is the hourly rate that is in the middle.


Our results show that women earn £0.96 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly wages.

Hourly wages
Measure 2021 2020
Median -2.28% 3.83%
Mean 1.40% 3.81%

Bonus pay

We do not operate any bonus schemes and therefore have a 0% difference between men and women.

Bonus pay
Measure 2021
Median 0
Mean 0

Pay quartiles

The proportion of male to female colleagues in each quartile pay band.
Gender Upper quartile Upper middle Lower middle Lower quartile
Female 67% 69% 68% 66%
Male 33% 31% 32% 34%