Moving a child from one childcare provider to another and missing termly headcount/census day.

Moving a child from one childcare provider to another

Headcount/census day occurs each term. Children taking up a funded place should normally be enrolled and attending the setting, by this date. All childcare providers must submit details of all children claiming funding to Coventry City Council, by this deadline.

If you move your child to a different childcare provider between the start of a new funding period, but before the termly headcount/census date, you will have to pay the exiting childcare provider for the hours the child has attended, up until the day they leave. Childcare providers cannot claim funding from Coventry City Council for any hours attended between the start of the funding period and the headcount/census date, if the child leaves the setting before headcount/census. You may also lose any deposit you have paid to the provider to secure the funded place.

If you move your child to a different childcare provider after the termly headcount/census date, the funding for that term will not automatically transfer with your child. It is up to individual childcare providers to decide whether or not they will transfer the funding.  There is no requirement for them to do so.

A claim may be made at the new childcare provider from the start of the next funding period/term. If you move your child to a new setting, mid-term, and your childcare provider does not agree to pass on the remaining weeks funding, you will be liable to pay the new provider for any hours attended until the start of the next funding period.

What if I have missed the termly headcount /census day, but I want my child to access a place?

If your child has is not enrolled and attending a childcare setting by headcount/census day, Coventry City Council may provide permission to the provider, to fund your child’s place if they meet the exceptional circumstances criteria.  If your child does not meet this criterion they will have to wait until the start of the next term to begin their funded place.

The Council may grant permission for a child to take up a place after headcount/census if:

  • The child is newly arrived in the country
  • The child is newly arrived in Coventry, from somewhere else in the UK and has not claimed a funded place elsewhere, during the same funding period
  • The child is a child in care (CIC)
  • Other exceptional circumstances (agreed at Coventry City Council’s discretion) For example, the family has been relocated due to domestic abuse.

Childcare providers must seek approval for children wishing to take up a place after the termly headcount/census date has passed, by contacting Coventry City Council. These places are subject to conditions and must be agreed by the Council before the provider offers and agrees to deliver a funded place.