How do I work at the election?

We need you to work at the election

Are you interested in helping us run local and national elections? Each year we employ hundreds of staff at election time to make sure that the process is run smoothly, in an open and transparent way.

Applications to join our staff database are currently closed due to high numbers of applications being received.

Personal requirements

To work at the elections you must:

  • be 18 years of age
  • have a national insurance number
  • have the right to work in the UK
  • be able to correspond via email, as all job information/appointments will be shared via email

You do not need to work for the Council already to work for elections.

We also stipulate that you cannot work for elections if you have campaigned on behalf of a candidate or party, nominated a candidate or have a personal relationship with an elected representative or candidate.

What roles are available?

Each year we have vacancies for a range of roles:

How do I sign up?

Applications are currently closed.

Ahead of each election, we'll contact everyone on our database to ask for their availability and see what roles people are interested in doing.

View the Elections employment privacy notice.

How we allocate staff

Once staff have told us they're available, we'll allocate on a first-come, first-served basis. 

If staff have expressed a preference for a particular role, or to work with certain colleagues, we will try to take that into account. 

However, the needs of the overall election will take precedence and we will allocate staff as we need to to run the election.

For some particular roles allocations will be made based on previous experience and performance.

Electoral Services

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays)

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 3034