EMAS EAL New Arrivals Support Programme for Maintained Primary Schools in Coventry
EMAS advisory teacher team provides bespoke support for newly arrived EAL learners in maintained primary schools. We offer training, guidance and support in terms of policy and practice as well as ongoing assessment and appropriate high expectation target setting:
We can offer:
- advice on a supportive induction process to ensure that newly arrived pupils feel welcomed and settled in their new learning environment;
- support to collect language background information for primary and secondary pupils or for EYFS so that the prior knowledge and experience of the learner can be built upon;
- advice on supporting parents to access information about the school community and local services;
- support to assess and place learners on a language proficiency tracker so that their progress can be tracked and monitored;
- CPD on effective teaching strategies and resources which support newly arrived pupils in the classroom;
- advice on how to identify additional learning or language needs in EAL learners.
- support and ideas on how to adapt teaching and resources in any lesson to enable EAL learner to access and achieve curriculum content
For all enquiries regarding new arrival support from an advisory teacher please contact: amanda.millican@coventry.gov.uk or emasteachers@coventry.gov.uk (for queries about new arrivals funded through the Resettlement schemes (UKRS, ARAP, Homes for Ukraine)
New Arrival funding for maintained schools
A New Arrivals Grant can be applied for from EMAS for bilingual pupils who have recently arrived from overseas. This is a one-off payment of, currently, £500 to help settle the pupil into school life and access the curriculum, for example by purchasing resources or multilingual education assistants (MLA) support.
Forms need to be completed in full. Support information outlining English proficiency on page 2 of the form is necessary to consider the claim. Forms should be completed and returned to admin.emas@coventry.gov.uk
Pupils are only eligible for the New Arrivals Grant if they meet the criteria below:
- Attending a maintained Coventry school
- Newly Arrived to the UK in the last 6 months
- Speak only a language/languages other than English
NB There is the opportunity to include additional information on the form to support a claim. Payments may be made in exceptional cases where a pupil has additional needs, restricted/disrupted access to education or other significant issues.
If you require a Multilingual Education Assistant please use the contact details below:
Additional resources to explore:
EMAS - general enquiries
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
EMAS - teacher enquiries
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street