The event aims to leverage African Durbar to promote businesses in the West Midlands. It's a way of promoting social inclusion as well creating new opportunities for businesses to thrive.

The event offers a unique opportunity for community organisations to introduce their services to the biggest event that assembles Africans in the community at one location. Government or local agencies undertaking campaigns to reach the community with critical information stand to benefit especially from this gathering, to reach out directly to the community.


  • Promote Cultural Diversity: Showcase the rich tapestry of African culture through music, dance, art, and culinary traditions, highlighting the importance of cultural diversity in enhancing societal vibrancy.
  • Boost Local Economy: Create avenues for local businesses to engage with new markets and customer segments, driving economic activity and growth.
  • Enhance Social Cohesion: Facilitate interactions among diverse community groups, fostering understanding and unity.
  • Provide Networking Opportunities: Establish a forum for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and community members to connect, share ideas, and collaborate.
  • Promote Inclusiveness: Ensure that the event is accessible to all community members, encouraging participation from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Date: 20th July 2024.

Location: Sapphire Banquet Hall, 243 Cross Road, Coventry, CV6 5GP

Cost: Free

Time: 15:00 - 23:00