Why is this important?
Understanding Coventry's economic, cultural, educational, and early childhood prospects can help us better understand the effects these factors have on the wellbeing of the local populations. A person's lifelong health, happiness, and productivity are affected by preventable health inequalities that can arise during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early years.
Best start in life
Why is this important?
“Giving every child the best start in life is crucial for securing health and reducing health inequalities across the life course. The foundations for virtually every aspect of human development – physical, intellectual and emotional – are laid in early childhood. What happens during these early years, starting in the womb, has life-long effects on many aspects of health and well-being”. - Sir Michael Marmot
What is the local picture? How does it compare?
Avoidable differences in health emerge by the time a child reaches the age of five. In Binley and Willenhall, a lower percentage of children (53.6%) achieved a good level of development by age five in 2021/22 compared to the city average (61.1%). Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) assessments evaluate personal, social, emotional, physical, and language development, as well as mathematics and literacy. Willenhall has particularly low levels, with only 44.9% of children meeting developmental goals, the lowest in Coventry. This could be linked to deprivation, as more deprived areas generally show lower development rates. Ernesford Grange (59.5%) also falls below the city average, while Binley performs better at 71.7%.
The proportion of children who received a review by the time they are 2 ½ years old is also higher than city average. All children and families should receive a review by a health visitor when the child reaches around 2 to 2½ years. This allows for an integrated review of their health and development. In 2022/23 80% of children in Binley and Willenhall received a timely review compared to the average of Coventry neighbourhoods at 75%
Antenatal appointments within 12 weeks in Binley and Willenhall averaged 85% from 2019/20 to 2022/23, slightly above Coventry's 83.1%. However, the rate dropped from 88.3% in 2020-21 to 82.6% in 2022-23, mirroring the citywide decline. Willenhall had a lower rate (80%), while Ernesford Grange (89.4%) and Binley (90.2%) were above average.
Maternal smoking at delivery in Binley and Willenhall was 14.6% in 2022-23, higher than Coventry's 9.0%. Despite the higher rate, it has decreased from 18.2% in 2019-20, narrowing the gap with the city average. There are differences between areas however, it is notably higher than average in Ernesford Grange (19.6%) and Willenhall (15.0%) whilst Binley is lower at 3.7%. Willenhall has seen a significant drop from 27.3% in 2019-20.
Breastfeeding prevalence is lower than the Coventry average amongst mothers from Binley and Willenhall. In 2022/23 the percentage of babies whose first feed was breastmilk 68.1% compared to the city average of 72.2%. In 2023 51.4% of infants in Binley and Willenhall were totally or partially breastfeeding at their 6-8 week check from health visitors compared to the city average of 58.2%.
In Binley and Willenhall, uptake of funded early years childcare for all children aged two, three and four is similar to the Coventry average. Two-year-olds whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits are entitled to 15 hours of free early education per week. Additionally, all three- and four-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours free education.
The 2-year-old uptake in Binley and Willenhall is 73%, similar to the city's average (75%) and the national average (72%). The uptake for 3 and 4 year old is high at 90%, similar to the city's average (88%) and the national average (92%).
In 2021/22, 27.6% of children in Binley and Willenhall lived in relative poverty (1,084 children), close to Coventry’s average of 26.7%, but higher than England’s 19.9%. This has been on an increasing trend in Coventry, and elsewhere, since 2014/15, and vary by area: higher in Willenhall (30.9%) and Ernesford Grange (30.4%), but lower in Binley (13.7%). Addressing poverty's root causes and improving access to support can create better opportunities for children.
What else is happening? What else can be done?
Health visitors can help children and families make the best start in life. NHS Health visitors are very active in the area. They visit all parents with children under the age of 5 in the city and offer health promotion and write developmental reviews during their home visits to promote childhood development. Schools, faith groups and community centres can work together to help reach socially isolated families, helping bring support to those who need it.
The Family Hub is highlighted as an asset in the community. Woodside Family hub, located in Willenhall helps co-ordinate early intervention and support. By bringing together different professionals such as, Health visitors, social workers, midwives, police, and others the hub can offer holistic and tailored support to families who face challenges.
Residents in Binley and Willenhall rely on friends and family for support with children and childcare. The parenting survey 2023 found that the most common sources of support for parents in Binley and Willenhall were family members and friends who were parents, followed by school, nursery or college and GP. They were more likely to rely on people in their community and less likely to use services or programmes from the voluntary sector than other residents citywide. One respondent felt “the feeling that if you are asking for support you aren’t doing a good job” “Professional judgement and scrutiny”
Respondents were asked at what stage they were more likely to need support. For residents in Binley and Willenhall support was needed most in the 0– 2-year age group, followed by the 2 – 5-year age group.
When asked how parents would prefer to be supported, face to face and one to one session were preferred. The parenting survey found that parents in Binley and Willenhall would rather tailored support to individual needs. Priorities of parents in this area ranged from support with child behaviour, development concerns and financial advice. This differs slightly from the citywide trend of wanting mental health support for both mother and children, child behaviour concerns and toilet training.
Accessing support was raised as a concern with some residents indicating “Confusion over terminology and multitude of different services” and at what time support is offered depending on “availability and childcare”.
Education and skills
Why is this important
Poor work chances, social alienation, and difficulties with mental and physical health are just a few of the social disadvantages that people could potentially face later in life as a result of low educational attainment and low expectations. By supporting high levels of educational attainment and boosting their expectations, these barriers can be removed so that children and young people realise their full potential in life.
There have been significant disruptions to education over recent years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing schools to close and move to digital classrooms. It is fair to say that this has had an impact on education and some children’s school readiness as a result. Therefore, the Department of Education are reluctant to directly compare attainment statistics between 2019-2022, we have included some for your information here.
What is the local picture? How does it compare?
There are seven primary schools, one secondary school and one academy school located in Binley and Willenhall. The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), inspects services providing education and training for learners and regulate services that care for children and young people. Ofsted ratings show that secondary schools are rated ‘Good’ and two ‘Outstanding’. As of May 2023, 83.8% of local children attended ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ schools, 3.0% attended a school with the rating ‘Requires improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ and 13.2% attended a school that hadn’t been recently inspected. This means that 96.6% of those whose school had been inspected attend a good or outstanding school, higher than the city average of 83.5%.
The number of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is higher than the city average (18.2%). In 2023, 20.7% of children living in Binley and Willenhall were SEN Pupils. SEN can be divided into two types, those with a statement or an Education, Health & Care EHC Plan; and those with SEN Support. In total 704 children were identified as SEN pupils, 3.9% were in receipt of an EHC plan and 16.8% were receiving SEN Support. The number of SEN pupils is particularly high in Ernesford Grange, with 23.6% of pupils living in the area having an EHC plan or receiving SEN support, it is one the areas in Coventry with the highest rates.
At Key Stage 2 (end of Year 6), Binley and Willenhall pupils perform better than the Coventry average and close to the national average. In 2022, 58% of pupils met the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths combined, compared to 54% in Coventry and 59% nationally. Willenhall had the highest attainment rate at 64%, followed by Binley at 62%, but below average in Ernesford Grange at 48%.
At Key Stage 4, the average Attainment 8 score in Binley and Willenhall was 40.1, lower than Coventry’s 46.2 and England’s 48.9. Binley had the highest average score at 47.0, while Ernesford Grange had the lowest at 36.0.
It is notable that educational achievement is higher than the city average in Binley and Willenhall at age 11 but by age 16 it is significantly lower. This is seen particularly in Willenhall, which had significantly higher than average proportions of pupils achieving the expected level at age 11 but by 16 the average attainment 8 score amongst pupils living in the area is significantly lower than average at 40.2.
Free school meals eligibility in Coventry continues to increase, 32.3% of pupils in Binley and Willenhall were entitled to free school meals in January 2023, compared to 24.8% across Coventry. There are differences between areas, Willenhall is a higher number of pupils eligible and is amongst the areas in Coventry with the highest proportion at 42.2%. 31.2% of pupils in Ernesford Grange are eligible and 7.7% of pupils from Binley are eligible, one of the lowest rates in the city.
More people living in Binley and Willenhall have little or no qualifications, compared to the city average. A lack of qualifications may make it more difficult for someone to find more fulfilling work in the city or reduce their chances of getting positions based in Coventry as the city's jobs become more competitive and demand higher skilled workers.
23.6% of residents aged 16 years+ in Binley and Willenhall do not have any qualifications, this is significantly higher than city’s average (19.4%) and England (18.1%). 24.8% of Binley and Willenhall residents aged 16+ are qualified to level 4 or above, which means they have a foundation degree or above, compared to 30.6% for Coventry as a whole and 33.9% for England.
What else is happening? What else can be done?
Investing in non-formal education can offer a range of benefits to ensure young people are equipped for the workplace. Residents in Binley and Willenhall highlighted the potential to invest in non-formal education, through mentoring and coaching or work experience. This would lead to a more skilled, adaptable and innovative workforce and provide diverse learning opportunities to young people from a younger age. It was also highlighted that financial and digital literacy are important, with one resident suggesting that “Financial literacy and digital up-skill of our young people...will improve the economic prosperity of our city and region in the long term."
Educational institutions play a crucial role in helping young people find and decide on their future careers. Residents highlighted the importance of empowering students to make informed decisions about their future careers, prepare them for the job market and support their development. “More work with the education sector to help people find careers. Greater business support”
“Investing in non-formal education of young people to have a more informed start in life is key to any economy in the world.”
“We can work together when it comes to educating our young people in non-educational courses, coaching and mentoring young people to be their best self and guiding them in the right path early on in life."
Out of school hours activities and provision were also highlighted as a concern for some residents, particularly for children with disabilities. Some residents expressed disappointment in the lack of after school activities. “Improve provision for children out of school hours…”
Libraries and community centres provide people with opportunities to improve their skills and education. John White Community Centre is home to adult education, where individuals are encouraged to take the opportunity to learn a new skill or gain a qualification. Willenhall Education Employment and Training (WEETC) Centre also provides a range of education opportunities and employment advice. Employment advisers are available to discuss finding employment and interview techniques. The library is also an asset with conversation cafes and opportunities to learn to speak English. The library also supports children through programmes such as Bookstart. Through Bookstart, children of preschool age receive a free information pack containing a variety of activities, guidance for parents and a book. This is in the hopes that good literacy habits will be formed at a much younger age. Rhyme times are also an opportunity for the formation of good literacy habits and encourage the development of language and social skills amongst babies and toddlers.
"It boils down to empowering our community youths … that starts by giving them the right foundational platform of non-formal education ….”
“There are no activities for children with disabilities during weekends holidays as the HAF does not take this into account and short breaks only have limited spaces which is so unfair”
Adult education offers numerous advantages that positively influence individuals, communities, and societies. It enables career advancement by equipping adults with new skills and qualifications, fostering personal development, and enhancing self-confidence. A survey of adult learners was conducted with respondents from Binley and Willenhall. One of the outcomes of the survey was that some participants reported gaining other skills for life besides the ones listed in the questionnaire. These skills were diverse and specific to each individual. For example, some mentioned learning how to cope with stress, how to communicate effectively, or how to manage their time. Others cited skills such as leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving. These skills can be useful for personal and professional development, as well as for academic success.
Economy and growth
Why is this important?
A protective factor for health is having meaningful employment. Reducing avoidable health disparities will involve tackling the unequal distribution of money, wealth, and power by improving opportunities and skills.
What is the local picture? How does it compare?
Willenhall is among the most deprived areas in Coventry, with high levels of multiple deprivation. In contrast, Binley has lower deprivation levels. Overall, 33% of Binley and Willenhall’s population live in neighbourhoods (LSOAs) that are amongst the 10% most deprived LSOAs in England, compared to 15% for Coventry. Additionally, 43% live in the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in England (Coventry overall 27%) and 77% live in neighbourhoods that are amongst the most deprived 30% LSOAs in England (Coventry overall 42%).
Most of the Willenhall neighbourhoods are amongst the 10% most deprived areas in England, the neighbourhood ‘Willenhall – Yarningale’ only slightly less so, being amongst the 20% most deprived areas in England. Areas in the neighbouring Ernesford Grange are measured as having slightly lower level of multiple deprivation than Willenhall, but still amongst the more deprived parts of the city, the neighbourhood share being amongst the most deprived 20-30% of neighbourhoods in England. Binley neighbourhoods, including those around Princethorpe, Oxenden Way and Binley Business Park are amongst the less deprived areas of Coventry.
These pockets of deprivation impact opportunities and life chances, highlighting the need to address social inequalities that are established right from the earliest years.
Deprivation is measured using the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019, it measures the extent to which people in each neighbourhood (LSOA) in England experiences ‘multiple deprivation’ across the factors of employment, income, education, health, crime, housing and services and living environment; it is the headline measure of deprivation at a local level. This measure remains valid, although the data is now a little old as it is only refreshed every five years on average – the insights from this should be considered in conjunction with other more up to date statistics.
The map below illustrates the difference across Binley and Willenhall with the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods in England in dark red and less deprived areas in purple colours
Map: Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 for all Coventry neighbourhoods (LSOAs)
Source: English Indices of Deprivation 2019, Ministry of Housing, Communities of Local Government
Unemployment in Binley and Willenhall mirrors the Coventry average at 5.9% (649 working age residents) but varies significantly by neighbourhood. According to 2021 Census, Willenhall has higher than average rates of unemployment, at 7.1% with ‘Willenhall – Yarningale’ reaching as high at 9.6% whilst rates in Ernesford Grange (5.4% ) and Binley (4.6%) had lower rates. The 2021 Census reported 66.8% of residents aged 16-64 were in employment, higher than Coventry’s 64.2%. Willenhall had lower than average rates of employment, at 60.6% whereas rates are around average in Ernesford Grange at 66.7% and higher than average in Binley at 76.9%.
The Census measures employment and unemployment rates differently to other data sources and was produced during a unique time for the labour market due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, therefore the percentages used from the Census are lower than official labour market data sources. The fact that relatively few full-time students live in this area is part of the reason that a higher than average proportion of working age residents in the area are in employment.
The proportion of residents claiming unemployment benefits is higher than average in Binley and Willenhall. Another way to measure unemployment rates is by using the claimant count, this enables us to understand more recent changes than the 2021 Census. In August 2023 735 residents aged 16-64 were claiming unemployment benefits, amounting to 6.7% of all working age residents, higher than the city average of 5.6%. This data can be used to understand recent changes and in conjunction with the 2021 Census measure to give a picture of unemployment levels in the area compared to the areas of Coventry.
The claimant count increased significantly in early 2020, an indication of the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on employment, and while it has fallen since 2020 it remains notably higher than 2019 levels. Between August 2019 and August 2023, the proportion of the local working age population claiming unemployment benefits in Binley and Willenhall had increased by 1.5 percentage points from 5.2% to 6.7%, a slightly lower increase than the increase across the city overall of 1.9 points from 3.7% to 5.6%.
Unemployment in Willenhall has fallen faster than the Coventry average over the past decade. Despite higher rates post-pandemic, both the 2021 Census and claimant count data show a notable decrease. Claimant count data shows a relatively large fall in Willenhall from 16.5% in August 2013 (6.5% for Coventry) to 7.7% in 2019 (Coventry 3.7%), a larger decline than in many other areas. While unemployment rose during the pandemic, it remains much lower in 2023 than in 2013.
Economic inactivity rates in Binley and Willenhall are lower (27.4%), than the city average (29.9%) due to fewer students living in the area. However, non-student inactivity rates are higher. Economic inactivity refers to people who are neither in work nor unemployed, they are not actively seeking work for various reasons. This includes full-time students, those looking after a home, people living with long term illness, retired people, and others.
The area has a high percentage of people who are ‘long term sick or disabled’ (7.9%) of all working age people compared to the overall city rate of 4.9%, Willenhall has the highest rates in the whole city with proportions as high as 12%. Prevalence of inactivity due to being ‘long-term sick or disabled’ is lower than average in Binley at 2.9%. While full-time students make up the largest group of inactive people citywide, they are much less prevalent here, with only 6.3% of the population, compared to 12.8% on average. Economic inactivity rates are also slightly higher amongst people who are ‘looking after home/family’, making up 6.8% compared to the overall city rate of 6.0%. 2.1% of working age residents in the area are retired, lower compared to the overall city’s rate of 2.3%.
Household income is lower than the city average for residents of Binley and Willenhall. The ‘UK Paycheck’ dataset from CACI estimates average gross annual household income for 2023, for Binley and Willenhall the mean average is estimated at £35,339 compared to the Coventry average of £41,552 and the UK average of £47,621.
When calculating household income, the incomes of all individuals living in the same household are included. A higher proportion of households in this area are on low incomes, 35% of households are on an annual income of less than £20,000 in Binley and Willenhall, compared to 27% across Coventry overall and 22% across the UK.
Average household income is particularly low in Willenhall neighbourhoods, lowest at £26,689 which is also lower than most neighbourhoods in the city. There are some neighbourhoods with higher-than-average income: ‘Binley Business Park - Bredon Avenue’ (£44,950), ‘Binley Oxenden Way’ (£45,349) and ‘Binley-Princethorpe (£49,973).
As well as being a residential area, Binley and Willenhall is home to businesses, they are many workplaces local to Binley and Willenhall residents; job density is relatively high here. There are an estimated 11,350 people employed at workplaces in the area; if you divide this by the resident population you get a ‘Job Density’ figure of 0.63, higher than the city average of 0.47 and higher than most Coventry neighbourhoods. Much of the employment in area in concentrated at business located in Binley Industrial Estate and on the edge of the area in Binley Business Park.
Digital accessibility and inclusion are increasingly important. Like for Coventry overall, the availability of high-speed internet is good and an overall asset, but this does not guarantee access and many residents of the area are at risk of digital exclusion. The Ofcom Connected Nations report 2022 gives us local data, there is a high level of ‘gigabit’ availability, with 96.9% of premises in Binley and Willenhall having service capable of 1,000 Megabits per second (Mbit/s) from fixed broadband, the same as Coventry overall at 96.9%. Almost all (99.7%) premises have services capable of ‘Superfast Broadband’ (30 Mbit/s or more), although the actual performance measured is lower, with 82.6% with average measured speeds of connections 30 Mbit/s or faster.
Having overall good connection levels does not mean that residents have the capacity to access fast broadband or can afford it. Willenhall is one of the areas highlighted in Coventry where the residents are at risk of digital exclusion. The Digital Exclusion Risk Index (DERI) tool, developed by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, models the likelihood of digital exclusion for all small neighbourhoods (LSOAs) in England by creating an overall score based on number of metrics measuring the risk factors of demography, deprivation, and broadband availability. For each area they give a score between 0 and 10 where 0 represents a low risk of exclusion and 10 a high risk. This data shows neighbourhoods in Willenhall have some of the higher risk scores in Coventry; with scores of between 3.7 and 4.3, all neighbourhoods in Willenhall have scores amongst the highest 15% of neighbourhoods in England. Binley neighbourhoods have comparatively low risk scores.
There is another measure of digital exclusion, the Internet User Classification 2018 data set from the Economic and Social Research Council, which used a number of statistics to classify each neighbourhood (LSOA) in Great Britain into 10 different types according to the internet use and engagement of its residents. Two neighbourhoods in Willenhall were classified as ‘e-Withdrawn’, the type that is least engaged with the internet. The areas of Coventry that were given this classification were typically those with higher levels of multiple deprivation.
What else is happening? What else can be done?
Increasing the economic prosperity of the city is important to those living in Binley and Willenhall. The One Coventry Plan sets out the council’s ambition to ensure more residents of Coventry are fulfilling their ambitions, living healthier lives for longer and living in safer, connected, and sustainable communities.
One Coventry plan engagement found that residents in Binley and Willenhall felt that the most important priority was increasing the economic prosperity of the city and of the region, closely followed by improving outcomes and tackling inequalities within our communities and finally tackling the causes of climate change.
Enhancing the offer of the city centre to attract major employers was suggested by residents to improve the economic prosperity of the city. A suggestion was to lower business rates to encourage the opening of local businesses which would make it more financially viable for businesses to establish themselves and attract different enterprises. This could then stimulate the local economy, creating more jobs and boost the overall activity.
“Focus on frontline delivery and where needed. Get the basics right. More guidance on how to take up home support and funding so people not scammed.”
“More guidance on how to take up home support and funding so people not scammed.”
Community and voluntary groups are working together in the city to ensure support is in place for those who need it. The Coventry Food Network is an example of this, established as a result from the pandemic. Coventry Food Network is a food partnership which brings together several public, private, voluntary and community sector partners to address food poverty and its causes in Coventry by taking a city-wide collaborative and strategic approach towards a unified Coventry Food Network and Strategy. Since 18 March 2020, the Council has been working closely with a range of partners, to create and deliver a system of food provision. Some of the initiatives that have evolved from this partnership are:
- Established 15 social supermarkets/grub hubs throughout the city to provide nutritional food and support to those residents in greatest need.
- Support the delivery of the Household Support Fund by providing emergency food provision to vulnerable residents who needed additional support with accessing/affording food.
- Supported the delivery and developed a model to support those who were clinically extremely vulnerable (Shielding) re: food and basic support.
- Procured food and distributed food parcels to children eligible for free school meals provision during school holidays.
- Continue to support and enhance the offer of healthy, nutritious food to children and families eligible for free school meals through the HAF programme.