
In 2020 a JSNA chapter looking at SEND was written; this was developed at the beginning of a pandemic and as such not everything that we would have wanted to include was included.  The pandemic also changed things for all, and so as the world returns to normal, we have decided to review the JSNA as it existed and provide a refresh. 

This summary brings together information from many sources to create a narrative around the special educational needs of Children and Young People (CYP) in Coventry.  It should be remembered that the JSNA takes data at a single point, it looks back at what we know about children in Coventry and makes recommendations going forward to improve the system, the system is dynamic, and change happens all the time so the recommendations must be adapted to meet the needs of a developing system.  The data in this review, doesn’t focus itself on just Special Educational Needs but takes a broader view so that we can understand the context of which our special children sit.