Key Messages

Demographics and communities

Tile Hill has experienced slower population growth compared to the rest of Coventry. Although the city is expanding, this neighborhood is not a significant contributor to that growth. As a result, population increases in the area are more gradual, indicating that it is not experiencing the same expansion pressures as other parts of Coventry.

Tile Hill has a slightly higher proportion of children aged 0-15 compared to Coventry’s average and fewer elderly residents. While the local population has not been ‘ageing’ significantly in recent years, it is likely to start to in the near to mid future, partly due to currently having a relatively large number of residents aged 50-64. This anticipated change could lead to increased demand for services and healthcare.

Overall, the average household size in the area is smaller than the Coventry average, with a relatively high number of working age people living alone. Additionally, the prevalence of lone-parent households with dependent children is higher in Tile Hill, indicating specific social and economic dynamics that may require targeted support and resources for these families.

Despite a decline in birth rates across Coventry, Tile Hill continues to experience a higher-than-average birth rate. This trend indicates that there will likely be a sustained need for child-related services such as schools, day care facilities, and family support programs in the area.


Children in Tile Hill face early childhood developmental challenges, with a lower percentage of children reaching a good level of development by age five compared to both Coventry and national averages Additionally, the higher levels of child poverty in the area exacerbate these outcomes, suggesting that socio-economic conditions play a significant role in the early health and development of children in Tile Hill , suggesting a need for continued targeted interventions in maternal and childhood health to improve early development outcomes for children.

Educational outcomes in Tile Hill could also be investigated further, while Key Stage 2 results at age 11 are comparable to or slightly better than the Coventry average, attainment levels by age 16 fall behind. Addressing some of these barriers through enhanced educational support and community-based initiatives could help reverse this trend.

Over half of the population of Tile Hill live in areas that rank amongst the most deprived 10% in England, with Tile Hill North particularly affected. The extreme deprivation in the ‘Tile Hill North – Jardine Delius’ neighbourhood, marked by low employment rates, high economic inactivity rates and poor educational attainment, highlights a need for focused programs on employment, education, and support for families. There are many opportunities to further develop skills and gain qualifications, the library provides opportunities for adult education, where individuals are encouraged to take the opportunity to learn a new skill or gain a qualification.

Additionally, lower household incomes and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis are contributing to widespread financial stress, with 40% of residents frequently worried about money.

Housing and environment

Access to green space is a notable asset in the area, particularly in the northern areas, although the predominance of woodland and lack of variety in recreational spaces limit the range of activities available.

Tile Hill has a high proportion of socially rented homes and flats, this combined with higher population density and overcrowding, suggest housing stress in the area.

The rising crime rates, particularly in violent crime, are a concern, with the increase in Tile Hill being more pronounced than in other parts of Coventry. Despite this, the fact that residents report feeling relatively safe suggests a complex relationship between crime statistics and community perceptions. This may point to strong social cohesion or resilience in the area, but the growing crime rate underscores the need for increased safety measures and community-based crime prevention efforts.

Health and wellbeing

Residents in Tile Hill have lower life expectancy and higher rates of premature mortality compared to the Coventry average. These disparities are closely linked to the area's high levels of deprivation, which contribute to residents spending more of their lives in poor health. Addressing these health inequalities will require targeted interventions that focus on improving overall living conditions and access to healthcare.

The COVID-19 pandemic further exposed health vulnerabilities in Tile Hill, where death rates from the virus were among the highest in the city. However, the area’s above-average COVID-19 vaccination rates, along with relatively strong uptake of childhood vaccinations, suggest a level of community engagement with public health initiatives.

While residents have good access to GP services and report high satisfaction, their limited proximity to pharmacies and hospitals, combined with lower car ownership, creates barriers to accessing essential healthcare. Improving transport links and healthcare access could help mitigate some of these issues.