Which professionals work in a family hub?

Early Help Team Manager

Leading the future development of family hubs within localities, working with local health and youth work managers and commissioners, Head teachers, Police Officers and with community organisation leaders. Tying the delivery the City's early help strategy, and other early help programmes such as 'Acting Early' & 'Troubled Families' initiatives into Family Hub service development, practice and outcomes.

Family Hub Team Leader

Managing local family hub services to deliver a local early help service offer in partnership with local providers, working with children, young people their families and community groups to develop local accessible services and shared approaches to early help assessment and 'team around the family' support. Assuring that the local Family Hub early help offer reaches vulnerable (and potentially vulnerable) children, young people and parents.

Family Hub Supervisor

Providing additional capacity in the larger hubs, working to the Family Hub Team Leader, to ensure that the team's services including assessment and casework, behaviour support, positive parenting, "Troubled Families" and youth programmes are of a high quality and provide good outcomes for children and families.

Early Help Partnership Coordinator

Working with local health, childcare and youth work providers, child-minders, schools, police and community organisations to organise the provision of locality accessible services, based around the family hub (and spokes) and developing shared approaches to commissioning and providing a holistic and diverse range of accessible local services.

Early Help Assessment Coordinator

Supporting local service providers to use the Common Assessment Framework (CAF)/early help assessment and service plan arrangements to access early support, meeting the needs of children and their parents now to avoid the future need for further specialist support. Working with partners to revise and develop a shared 'early help assessment format and process so that it focuses on reducing 'adverse childhood experiences'.

Family Hub Worker

Working with local children, young people, parents and carers to assess and meet their needs early by using the CAF/early help framework and evidence based approaches (including Steps to Change, Signs of Safety, Positive Parenting & Graded Care Profile) as part of 'team around the family' support. Working with local schools and individual children, young people and families to promote school attendance meeting the needs of children and their parents now to avoid the future need for further specialist support.

Family Hub Assistant

Working alongside local children, young people, parents and carers to assess and meet their needs early through organised support and activity based programmes. Supporting local colleagues and community groups to set up and run self-help support and activity based programmes.

Social Worker

Working with colleagues and with local children, young people who may be at risk of impaired development or harm, to assess and meet their needs early as part of 'team around the family' support. Providing specialist advice to lead arrangements to assure early 'step up' to social work interventions and sustained 'step-down' to targeted family hub 'team around the family' support.

Family Hub Youth Worker

Working with local young people who may be at risk of impaired development or harm to engage them in pro-social activities and pro-social behaviour within their communities and as part of 'team around the family' support. Providing specialist advice, supporting local youth and community groups and colleagues to set up and run activity based programmes.

Early Help Team

Telephone: 0800 8870545 [tel:08008870545]