Controlling allergens in the kitchen

As well as providing customers with the correct information about the allergens in the food that you sell, you must also consider how you will ensure that you provide a customer, when advised of an allergy with a meal that is safe for them to eat i.e. allergen free.

You must do this by ensuring that there is no cross contamination from other ingredients/equipment/packaging.

Things to consider

  • Purchase - are products ever substituted by your supplier or changed when ordering? This could lead to slightly different ingredients. Make sure any changes or substitutes are checked.
  • Goods in - are allergen containing products pre-packed? Could anything drip/ crumbs fall into another product?
  • Storage - are allergen containing products stored so as not to cause any cross contamination – consider open packaging – dripping liquids – foods stored above/in contact. Is allergen information retained if the product is decanted.
  • Preparation - do you use standard recipes (this prevents chef flourishes with extra ingredients which could contain an allergen not listed on your allergen information). You must use separate clean and sanitised equipment, ensure hands are washed, clean overalls are used and the preparation space is clean, sanitised and free from allergens.
  • Dual use of equipment - such as a grill where allergen residues could remain if not thoroughly cleaned. Also consider items such as fryers where oil will contain traces of the allergens cooked in it. Separate fryers would be required.
  • Dual use of complex equipment - some equipment is considered "complexed" as it is difficult to clean adequately to be 100% sure that all allergen residues have been removed. This may include, but not limited to: blenders, mincers, slicers. You should therefore not use complexed equipment for producing both allergen containing and allergen free food e.g. a smoothie and then a non-dairy smoothie.
  • Ingredients ready for service - consider pizza prep tables, salad prep tables, ingredients laid out to "grab". Ensure allergens are stored separately, separate utensils are used and there isn't a risk of food falling into adjacent containers or when being picked out of a container.
  • Cooking Separate - use separate clean and sanitised cooking equipment and separate utensils when preparing an allergen free meal.
  • Chill (display, storage, cooling) - consider separation in storage – food containing allergens above and next to /in contact with other foods.
  • Hot Holding (including buffet style service) - is there separation between dishes, can spoons be transferred between dishes? Ensure separate utensils are available to prevent this.
  • Delivery to customer How do waiters/counter staff/delivery staff give the right food to the right customer? Is food adequately stored separately to prevent any dripping/cross contamination?

Importance of managing allergens

Take a look at this powerful video "A Day in the Life of Chloe" which shows how difficult eating out can be for someone with an allergy and also why it is so important to manage allergens properly in the kitchen.

Legal requirement

Remember - You must legally be able to provide customers with the correct information about the 14 allergenic ingredients in your food, if you have undertaken a risk assessment and do not feel that you can confidently, and safety provide them with an allergen free product, you are not obliged to take the order. Document your decision - perhaps in the allergy section of the Safer Food Better Business Pack or write a simple "allergen policy". You want to show customers that you have taken time and thought into your decision, not just put a blanket "no" to serving allergen free meals. You may reach your decision based on equipment and space available or the amount of a particular allergen used in the kitchen. E.g. as a Chinese takeaway you may find it difficult to prevent cross contamination of a number of allergens due to the style of your cooking.

Staff training

Make sure staff are fully aware of your allergen policy and what to do if any allergy enquiries are received. In particular making sure information is carefully shared with the kitchen, and that kitchen staff are fully trained on how to prepare an allergen free meal. The Food Standards Agency have produced some free training available online.

Please contact the Food & Safety Team if you have any further questions about this requirement.

Food and Safety team

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 08085 834333