Listening to teenager

Foster carers are a crucial part of the team working together with us to keep Coventry’s children safe.  Fostering with Coventry City Council means that you will get to know the different members of the team working alongside you.  The Fostering Service is co-located with the Looked After and Permanency and ThroughCare Teams to promote closer working relations and work together efficiently in the best interest of the child.  The Council’s Corporate Parenting Board is very supportive of the Fostering Service and good links are constantly made with colleagues across other Services in the Council extend our support to not only foster carers, but the children they care for.  One Coventry is a way of working that helps us to make the biggest possible impact on the lives of local people.

What support looks like:

  • Each foster family will be allocated a supervising social worker who will offer support, advice and guidance to you (foster carers), your children and the children you look after.
  • There will be regular visits, more frequently during induction, to ensure that you feel supported and lots of opportunities for professional development, so you are well equipped to care for children.
  • Newly approved foster carers are offered additional support through a mentoring arrangement with an experienced foster carer.
  • Support does not only come from your supervising social worker, we also have a team of dedicated children and family workers who can offer intensive focussed interventions to you and your family.
  • A 24/7 telephone line, staffed by a fostering worker, to help with any emergency issues should they arise.

Coventry City Council foster carers frequently tell us that they feel a real part of a Coventry fostering community and whether living in Coventry or surrounding areas, enjoy the regular meet-ups with other foster carers, coffee mornings and social events. They are there for you to talk over anything that is worrying you and to celebrate the rewards and successes of your fostering experience! 

Other support services

  • Virtual School promote and co-ordinate educational support.
  • Edge of Care is a service that provides intensive therapeutic to children and carers.  The work builds on a family’s strengths and introduces coping strategies.
  • Dedicated Foster Carer Drop-In sessions with RISE (Support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing) 
  • Compass is an early intervention and prevention service who support children and young people from 5 – 18 years, and up to 25, if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or are a care leaver.  They also support carers who are worried about a child or young person’s mental wellbeing.   

Independent support and advice

  • We understand that at times you may want to speak to someone who can provide you with independent support on any issues you may experience with fostering. 
  • Our foster carers are also automatically members of The Fostering Network and New Family Social (a charity for LGBTQ+), and can access their helplines, events, and other activities.  The Fostering Network also offers a mediation service which provides independent support to foster carers.

Fostering Service

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm, Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm (excluding bank holidays)

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5489