Adult Social Care Stakeholders' Group

Adult social care stakeholder group

The Adult Social Care Stakeholders' Group meets bi-monthly (currently virtually via Microsoft Teams).

The group covers issues like:

  • Using experience to influence change
  • Upcoming developments in Adult Social Care
  • Policy documents
  • Social Care reforms and what that means in practice

This is a chance to contribute feedback, using personal experiences to help inform the direction of travel in social care.

The group is open to anyone who has recent experience of Adult Social Care, anyone caring who has had experience of Adult Social Care and any voluntary organisations that wish to be involved.

If you'd like to have a friendly informal chat about the group, to find out more and how you can get involved then contact:

Download the latest poster

Upcoming dates for 2024

Terms of Reference

Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group – Terms of Reference.

Membership of the Group

The group is co-ordinated by Coventry City Council and membership includes:

  • People who currently receive support or have recent experience of receiving support from adult social care
  • Carers of people currently receiving support from Adult Social Care
  • Adult Services Principal Social Worker
  • Representatives of Adult Services
  • Coventry City Council Officers and Councillors
  • Voluntary and Third Sector Organisations

By invitation to join specific meetings:

  • Adult Social Care providers
  • Health partners
  • Other Council staff, as required

The group will appoint Co-Chairs annually.

In the absence of the Co-Chairs, the remaining members present shall elect one of themselves to Chair the meeting.

The membership will aim to reflect the diversity of service user and carer groups.

Frequency of meetings

The group will ordinarily meet bimonthly for two hours.  There may be additional meetings if a specific requirement arises.

Meetings will take place no earlier than 10.30 and will be held either virtually or in the city centre in an accessible venue.

Format of meetings

Agenda, relevant papers and action notes to be circulated by the Adult Services Transformation Team in conjunction with the Co-Chairs. Agenda and papers for the meeting will aim to be sent out 5 working days in advance of the meeting.

A review at the end of the meeting will ensure that members can have the opportunity to feedback on the value, effectiveness of the group meetings and how far we have supported a coproduction approach.

Notes from the meeting will be circulated five working days after the meeting.

Purpose of the Group

To give opportunities for co-production and engagement to enable the harnessing of knowledge and experience of the group members to develop and influence improvement of Adult Social Care forming an element of a commitment to engage and coproduce.

Our approach to Adult Social Care engagement, involvement and co-production 2023/2024

The group members will be encouraged to play an active part and to share their views and influence decisions, provide feedback and make recommendations on service improvements and to receive updates on Adult Social Care improvements and developments.

The group will also be asked to contribute to Annual Reports, policies and standards and expectations of service.

Scope of the Group

The group will refer to the selection of ‘I’ and ‘We’ statements produced by Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) known as ‘Making it Real’ and a set of ‘I statements co-designed following a Care Quality Commission (CQC) local system review, to act as a benchmark for improvement when commissioning or recommissioning health and social services for older people when considering what areas to develop and influence.

A key ‘we’ statement for the group will be;

‘We work with people as equal partners and combine our respective knowledge and experience to support joint decision making’.

The group is conscious that the lived experience of people involves contact not just with social care but other organisations such as health and housing providers. The group will seek to work in partnership and co-produce with other groups and bodies, connecting with other engagement groups and networks.

Decision-making powers

The group does not have any specific decision-making powers however the group members will influence service development and improvements.

Recommendations made by the group will be shared with the appropriate Senior Council Officers.


Where personal experiences of service users or carers are shared at meetings to illustrate points about needs and services, this information will always be treated as confidential to the meeting and will not be shared without prior agreement.

Conflicts of interest

Where there is a potential conflict of interest for individual group members this will be openly and explicitly declared before the topic is discussed. 

Version control

Approved by:

Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group


18 April 2024

Next Review date:

Annually – April 2025

Adult Social Care - Get involved

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street