Trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order

We have information about protected trees on our online planning map. If you are on a Coventry City Council network, please use this internal link for the online planning map.

The online map does not include replacement trees planted following the authorised removal of protected trees. It should not be relied upon for a formal confirmation of whether a tree is protected.

Provisional orders

Objections received

Confirmed orders

The following orders have been confirmed by the Council within the last 8 months*.

*Confirmed orders are shown on this page for three months after the date of confirmation. After this time, the TPOs can be found on the planning search webpage, or using the online planning map. If you are on a Coventry City Council network, please use this internal link for the online planning map.

Applications for works to protected trees

If you are planning to prune or fell a tree, we strongly advise you to check our online planning map before starting work.

An application to carry out tree pruning or felling works to a tree (including group of trees) or woodland protected under a Tree Preservation Order or trees which lie in a Conservation Area can be made under Regulation 16 of the Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012. You may find this works to trees guidance useful to refer to whilst making your application.

At present, the following applications have been refused, and are currently under the appeal process:

Anybody who wishes to make representations about any of these applications should do so by submitting comments directly to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) at quoting the appeal reference (beginning 'APP/TPO') which can be found by selecting the application reference number provided. We ask that you copy any representation to the Coventry Planning Department using

The following appealed refusals have been determined by the Planning Inspectorate:

Tree Preservation Officer

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 2219