Ofsted 2019

We were thrilled with the overall judgement of GOOD and especially pleased with so many incredibly positive comments about our service which included:

"Teaching is good and there is some very high quality teaching across the curriculum."

"Pupils who receive home tuition are taught well."

"Pupils are taught by subject specialists and many pupils make excellent progress from their starting points."

"Pupils are helped to develop the characteristics of successful learners."

"Personal development is at the core of the curriculum...staff work effectively with pupils, families and outside agencies to promote pupils' emotional well-being."

"The behaviour of pupils is good. Pupils behave well in different settings and in lessons."

"Staff prepare pupils well for the next stage of their lives. They help pupils to fill gaps in their knowledge, develop their confidence and nurture the social skills they will need for adult life."

"Attainment is improving and current pupils are making good progress...almost all pupils gained appropriate accreditation in English and mathematics."

Staff at the Hospital Education Service work tirelessly to improve the provision and support we offer to our pupils and their families and as such we are very pleased that Ofsted recognised our hard work and commitment and agreed with our school improvement priorities.

As a school community, we are very proud of every part of our service whether that be home tuition, the hospital school or Whitmore Park Annexe; however, it goes without saying that much of our success is rooted in the positive relationships we have with Parents and Guardians.

Ofsted Report from February 2019 [http://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/22/134970]