What is Supported Exempt Accommodation?

Supported Exempt Accommodation refers to properties in which the resident receives care, support or supervision for the purpose of enabling them to live or adjust to living independently within the community.

Specified accommodation categories

To be classified as ‘Supported Exempt Accommodation’:

  • The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity, CiC (community interest company) or Registered provider (Housing Association).
  • The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).
  • The residents must need ‘care, support or supervision.’
  • The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.

To be classified as a ‘Managed Property’:

  • The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or registered provider (Housing Association).
  • The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).
  • The resident must need ‘care, support or supervision.’
  • A third party provides the ‘care, support or supervision.’

To be classified as a Domestic Abuse Refuge:

  • The landlord can be the same providers as above but can also be the local authority.
  • The accommodation must be used wholly or mainly for non-permanent
    accommodation for people who have left their homes because of domestic abuse.
  • There is no requirement that the resident receives care, support or supervision.

To be classified as a Hostel:

  • Hostel cannot be self-contained.
  • Care, support or supervision must be provided (not necessarily by the landlord).

Who is this guide for?

This guide is intended for use by new and existing providers of Supported Exempt Accommodation operating within Coventry. It has been designed to help providers understand what is expected of them. This document does not set out a series of ‘rules’ or ‘regulations’ that providers are expected to rigidly follow. However, it does detail the local authority’s expectations of providers operating in the city and will help to ensure value for money, quality and appropriateness of Supported Exempt Accommodation in the city.

The document has been produced through consultation with internal partners, statutory services and providers currently operating in the city. It is based on best practice, published guidance and housing legislation, and considers the anticipated requirements of The Supported Housing Regulatory Oversight Act 2023.

To be recognised by the local authority and its partners there will be an expectation that providers meet the standards laid out within the specification. Where they don’t, advice and support will be given to help providers meet the required standards that the local authority expects.

It is acknowledged that there is no ‘one size fits all’, and that not all information within this guidance will be relevant to all organisations. Similarly, you may feel that you are already aware of, or have implemented much of the following content. The guide is intended to help organisations consolidate, clarify, and build upon their existing practices. This will ensure that they are able to respond to their residents safely, effectively, and consistently, and identify clear linkages between management practices and resident experience.

For new providers wishing to operate in the city it is recommended you familiarise yourself with the standards as part of the application (gateway) process – details around the gateway process and the Local Authority’s approach to identification of housing need and gateway to become a provider.

What does this guide include?

The guide to standards provides the detail and level of service expected to ensure that Supported Exempt Accommodation provision within Coventry meets local needs, is being delivered to a high standard, and represents value for money: based upon regulation, guidance, recognised good practice, and most importantly the views of supported residents.

Download and print a designed version of the standards.