Landlord information

What the scheme entails

The property should be safe for the tenant to live in. The landlord should make sure the home is free from any serious risks as listed in the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.

Coventry City Council will be inspecting all privately rented accommodation within the identified areas over the next 18 months. It is hoped that these inspections will be carried out with the cooperation of both tenant and landlord with the result of improving the quality of private rented accommodation.

What is HHSRS?

The Hazard Health and Safety Rating System is concerned with avoiding or, at the very least, minimizing potential hazards. This means that landlords should also review conditions regularly to try to see where and how their properties can be improved and made safer. Guidance for Landlords and property-related professionals can be found on the government webpage.

Your rights and responsibilities

The landlord is responsible by law for certain repairs. The landlord is responsible for repairs to the structure and exterior of the property, sinks, baths, and any other sanitary installations within the property. They should also make sure there is suitable heating.

Any evictions or rent increases need to be done in accordance with the law.

The tenant must do minor jobs, like replacing fuses, or clearing a blocked sink. They must also repair damage that they or their visitors have caused.

How you can get involved

We are encouraging all landlords to have their properties HHSRS assessed. If you would like an EHO to inspect your property, please contact the Housing Enforcement Team at or via telephone on 024 7697 5495 and mention the Pathfinder Project. Please ensure that the property that you would like to be inspected falls within the project area. Please see our website for details.

Coventry Landlord Accreditation Scheme

Are you interested in joining the Coventry Landlord Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) 

CLAS is a free, voluntary, Council-run scheme that private residential landlords and letting agents are encouraged to join. The scheme applies to the private rented sector only and not to local authority-owned or housing association properties where other service level agreements apply. The scheme includes an element of self-regulation and accordingly relies on a degree of goodwill and trust on the parts of landlords, letting agents, tenants and the Council.  

Benefits of joining: 

  • You will receive free training from us on a variety of areas of Housing law. 
  • You will be able to advertise yourself as being accredited by Coventry City Council. 
  • You may be eligible for a five-year licence for your licensable properties. 
  • Your fees for property licences are likely to be cheaper.  

You can sign up to our Landlord Forum mailing list to receive news and updates relevant to Coventry landlords. 

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Great British Insulation Scheme

You may be eligible to get free or cheaper insulation to reduce your home’s energy bills through the Great British Insulation Scheme.

You might be eligible for support if your home:

More details regarding the Great British Insulation Scheme webpage.

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