Your Vision, Your Future

‘Your Vision, Your Future’ was an education, training and employment support programme that supported young migrants and refugees in Coventry aged 16-29 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET).

Your Vision, Your Future was part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and supported under the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). It was comprised of eight delivery partners who came together to form a strong and robust partnership.

Each of the partners specialises in providing high quality education, training and employment support and they will be tailoring the support provided to meet the individual needs of each young person. The partners are:

  • The Migration Team, The Council’s Job Shop and the Adult Education Service.
  • PET-Xi Ltd
  • WATCH Ltd (Working Actively to Change Hillfields Ltd)
  • Coventry University through FabLab Coventry and their Outreach Team.
  • New Start 4 U CIC

The Migration Team intends to bridge service gaps, provide mentoring, coaching and holistic interventions to support young refugees and migrants to move into suitable education and employment opportunities.

The purpose was to make barrier-breaking interventions allowing young migrants and refugees to move into education and employment opportunities that are appropriate for them.

Each participant had a designated mentor who will meet regularly with clients to discuss their progress and signpost them to services across the city.