We have grouped resources from the Partnership and other services onto one page to provide information and support on child safeguarding issues.
Neglect Toolkit
We have produced a toolkit to assist professionals in their understanding of and ability to identify neglect. The toolkit contains case studies, links to further resources and details of what actions can be taken.
Neglect Strategy
- Download the latest Neglect Strategy.
- Neglect and adolescence
- Training package Adolescent Neglect
- Neglect Presentation - Dr Jo Gifford
Neglect Conference 2021
Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Partnership hosted a Neglect conference in February 2021. The presentations were recorded and are now linked below to support further learning. Each presenter also provided a couple of questions and discussion points to support further conversation when these presentations are being watched in future training sessions.
- Thinking about neglect - Dez Holmes, Director of Research in Practice
- Early Help: What’s working well - Amanda Reynolds and Sharon Bolton
- Coventry MASH: What’s working - Joy Johnson and Jim Edmonds
- Neglect and the effect on Brain Development: What are we worried about - Dr Jo Gifford
- Graded Care Profile 2: What needs to happen - Dawn Hodson
- Question and Discussion Points from the Presenters
Adolescent neglect resources
Child Exploitation Indicator Tool
Online safety
Think U Know have produced Online Factsheets for children and young people at both primary age and secondary age.
The Anna Freud Centre has also produced a guide for supporting children and young people in education with their mental health.
Child sexual abuse
CSA strategy
- Download the latest Sexual Abuse Strategy.
CSA resources from the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
- Messages from research
- Information about Medical Examinations
- Information around measuring the scale and nature of CSA
- Key messages on child sexual abuse disclosure
Partners CSA conference
The SARC has also provided a short webinar explaining its services.
Domestic abuse
Safe to Talk - Coventry City Council's domestic abuse website
Identifying and dealing with Domestic Abuse Learning event
- Identifying and dealing with domestic abuse part 1
- Identifying and dealing with domestic abuse part 2
- FGM Guide
- One-Minute-Guide to FGM
- Further information and resources on FGM
- Petals for Professionals is an online resource which explains the legal responsibilities of professionals and provides information on where to get further help and advice.
- Home Office FGM resource pack
Modern slavery
Raising a health/hospital alert
The myth of invisible men
We have produced an animation on the myth of invisible men.
The Ready, Steady, Grow! pages provide parenting advice and support on a range of topics.
Directory of services that work with young parents
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust have produced a set of webpages about mental health support in pregnancy and following the birth of a baby.
Information about faith, belief and practice
- Buddhism Do's and Don'ts
- Christianity Do's and Don'ts
- Hinduism Do's and Don'ts
- Humanism Do's and Don'ts
- Islam Do's and Don'ts
- Judaism Do's and Don'ts
- Sikhism Do's and Don'ts
Language That Cares leaflet
ICON resources
Please view the two attached resources:
7 golden rules on information sharing
Download and print the 7 golden rules on information sharing
Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP)
This team cannot take calls related to individual children or families. To discuss an individual or a case please call Coventry Children’s Social Care at the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 024 7678 8555.