City Centre North

City Centre North overhead photo

Major mixed use placemaking scheme where a strategic investor can shape the next generation of city centre regeneration.

This sustainable development with placemaking and community at the very heart.

The creation of new interlinking vibrant public spaces each with a different offering that blends with newly activated ground and first floor uses, promoting a diverse and interesting blend of leisure, hospitality, food and beverage, retail and community uses.

Continuing Coventry's story of innovation in transportation and movement and enhancing one of the key gateways into the city, the plan is to create a collection of interlinked access hubs around the city (starting around Pool Meadow and Trinity Street), expanding the Coventry Very Light Rail links and easing movement in and out of the city on public transport, creating improved walking and cycle links and improving connectivity to existing communities.

By phasing pockets of redevelopment, re-purposing existing assets and creating new assets we want to encourage new inner-city communities. The way some people choose to live is changing so we want to support this by providing environments including new co-living hubs, subscription living, creative studios and live-work spaces, as well as new townhouses and apartments.

We want to promote a circular approach to sustainability, promoting low carbon and net zero, incorporating renewables, minimising living costs, re-purposing existing assets, incorporating green and blue infrastructure, promoting green movement in and around the city and maximising private and shared amenity spaces for residents and enhancing wellbeing and health.

Investment opportunity

Given the inception stage nature of this project there is an opportunity for a strategic investment partner to work with the City Council to shape innovative investment and delivery structures to deliver significant housing growth in Coventry city centre.

  • Planning Status: Concept stage
  • Promoter: Coventry City Council
  • Investment Type: Capital Investment / Developer
  • Scale/Value: 20ha site / £1bn
  • Sector: Mixed use, residential, community and commercial
  • Timeline: Currently at concept stage
  • Lead: Public/Private: Public

City Centre North Canal Basin