Training etiquette

Training ettiquette foster care new

There are several factors that contribute to a successful training session. Trainers must be punctual, present themselves in a professional manner, and create a comfortable environment that provides an equal opportunity for all learners. Equally the behaviours demonstrated by learners will have an outcome on the quality of the session. Trainers may agree these with the group at the start of the session but here are a few basic ground rules when attending a training programme in person or virtually.

  • Always be on time: Arrive early so that you are ready to start on time. If running late please email the trainer before time. Say hello to others when you join the session.
  • Environment: Be aware of your surroundings and ensure your set-up is favourable for learning. Always ensure the lightning is appropriate to clearly show your face. Avoid dark areas and backlight.
  • Distractions: Mute your microphone when not talking or contributing to the session. Use the chat box option to post any questions you may have. Have your mobile turned to vibrate or switched off. Avoid distractions while attending the session that may disrupt your learning
  • Tools to take notes: Have a notebook and pen, ready to write down key concepts and to keep you physically focused on the course.
  • Be focused: Bring an open mind and be prepared to engage in the learning. Ask questions and give others a chance to express themselves. Be respectful to the views of others. Please attend the full session for each course.