This priority focuses on
- Addressing barriers to reducing long-term unemployment across the social gradient.
- Supporting people who are disadvantaged in the labour market to attain the skills and training they need to secure and maintain good quality employment.
- Supporting healthy workplaces that promote employee’s health and wellbeing.
The Marmot Review summarised the importance of addressing inequalities in work and employment ‘Being in good employment is protective of health. Conversely, unemployment contributes to poor health. Getting people into work is therefore of critical importance for reducing health inequalities.’
Coventry is a diverse city both in terms of its resident population and its business base. Coventry has the second-highest resident average pay in the West Midlands region and the lowest levels of youth unemployment. Like any major city, Coventry still faces challenges. We want Coventry residents to have skills that match the needs of local employers, not only for now, but also for the vacancies of the future. We want to ensure learning and skills provision meets the needs of all of Coventry’s communities, is fully inclusive and plays a key role in reducing poverty. We want to build aspiration throughout all educational levels, with Coventry’s young people inspired to learn, with clear pathways to the jobs they strive towards. Coventry Skills Strategy provides a ‘framework for action’ across all educational stages working collaboratively to get the best skills outcomes for our residents, from early education through to lifelong adult learning, and plays a key role in tackling the causes and consequences of climate change by ensuring residents gain the right skills to support green jobs growth.
What we know
There are a number of programmes of work and interventions that support the create fair employment and good work for all recommendations which aim to:
- Support those in employment.
- Support Coventry residents to access volunteering, training and employment across the city, working with partners in public, private and community and voluntary sectors across the social gradient.
- Tackle inequalities by making sure skills provision is equally accessed by all Coventry’s communities, with our residents gaining the skills they need to secure good employment and progress within it.
- Work with businesses to improve the quality of jobs, creating health promoting workplaces that support the health and wellbeing of employees.
Legislation and government guidance that support the create fair employment and good work for all recommendation:
- The Marmot Review Fair Society, Healthy Lives (2010) []
- The Marmot Review 10 Years On []
- Levelling Up the United Kingdom White Paper []
Links to service developments and strategies to support this recommendation:
- Coventry Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2026 []
- The One Coventry Plan 2022-2030 []
- Economic Growth and Prosperity Strategy for Coventry 2018 - 2022 []
- Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 []
- Coventry & Warwickshire Joint Strategy for Autistic people 2020-2025 []
- Digital Coventry Strategy []
- Coventry Early Help Strategy 2023 - 2025 []
- Coventry Skills Strategy 2022- 2030 []
- Coventry Local Plan (2011-2031) []
- Unemployment rate as a comparator with UK, West Midlands and statistical neighbours
- Proportion of employed in non-permanent employment
- Proportion of people unemployed or inactive among cohorts of people facing disadvantage in the labour market
- Care leavers data
Programmes and activities
- Adult Education Service programmes
- Business support programme
- Businesses committed to a fairer Coventry
- Coventry Skills Strategy Action Group 4 – Supporting businesses, social value and sustainability.
- Coventry Sports and Leisure for people with disabilities
- Family Hubs
- Job Shop Hub and Spoke model
- My Coventry
- Personal Advisors for young people in care
- Rough Sleeper Initiative – Employment Coach
- Supporting Families Programme- Intensive Family Support
- Thrive at Work programme
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Commonwealth Games Legacy Fund
- WorkWell
Delivery partners
- Anchor Alliance
- Businesses
- Coventry City Council Skills, Employment and Adult Education
- Coventry City Council Business Investment & Culture
- Coventry City Council Migration Team
- Planning Team CCC
- Public Health Team CCC
- Thrive at Work
- Through Care Team CCC
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme delivery partners
- Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise Sector
- West Midlands Combined Authority
How we will measure progress
- Proportion of children in workless households
- Adult Education Budget ethnicity enrolment data and destination data
- Percentage of employees earning below real living wage
- Gender pay gap
- Unemployment rate comparative to statistical neighbours, the region and the UK.
- 50+ claimant count and inactivity rates by IMD
- Economically inactive women by IMD
- Coventry Thrive data
- Care leavers data