What happens to me after I have had my assessment in mental health services?

This depends on what you need and what you wish to happen. You may be offered various kinds of support, including medication, psychological therapy, community nursing support or social care. Some people do not need any further support from mental health services once their assessment has been completed. The specific needs and the outcomes you want to achieve are written down in your mental health care plan, and these will vary from one individual to another. 

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

For urgent mental health support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 111 and select the mental health option.

Telephone: 111

Adult Social Care Direct

Speech impairment, deaf or hard of hearing? You can call using Next Generation Text (also known as Text Relay and TypeTalk): Call 18001 024 7683 3003

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3003