Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)

Since October 2007 a person can appoint someone of their choice (called an attorney) to act on their behalf should they lose mental capacity in the future. The powers can cover health and welfare decisions as well as property and finance decisions. LPAs must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). There are two types of LPA:

  1.  A property and financial affairs LPA - this gives a person's appointed attorney authority to make decisions about things like:
    • money, tax and bills
    • bank and building society accounts
    • property and investments
    • pensions and benefits
  2. A health and welfare LPA - this gives a person's appointed attorney authority to make decisions about their healthcare and personal welfare.

Age UK provide a very helpful free booklet 'Powers of Attorney (PDF)' and you can fill in the forms online on GOV.UK. Alternatively, the forms can be downloaded from the GOV UK site.  

Advanced Decisions

Since October 2007 adults who have capacity can make an 'Advanced Decision' to refuse a particular medical treatment.  Advanced Decisions also called 'Living Wills' are legally binding. You can refuse any treatment so long as you are clear about the type of treatment and you can refuse treatments that would sustain your life. Planning ahead for end of life care - NHS.

Advanced Statements

You can also write down or tell others about your wishes, feelings and preferences about your future treatment or care. These statements are not legally binding in the same way as Advanced Decisions but must be taken into account when deciding what is in your best interests.

Court Appointed Deputies

If someone has not planned ahead by making an LPA, and it is necessary to give someone ongoing authority to deal with a series of long term issues, the Court of Protection can appoint a Deputy to make decisions on the person's behalf.  The Deputy must be someone who is 18 years or over. They can be a relative, friend or professional such as an accountant or solicitor.

Deputies can be appointed to take decisions on welfare, healthcare and finance issues for people lacking capacity.  Deputies replaced the previous system of Receivership. 

The Court of Protection

The Court of Protection oversees the Mental Capacity Act and has its own procedures and nominated judges. It is especially important in resolving complex or disputed cases where lack of capacity or best interests are an issue.

The Public Guardian

The Public Guardian and their staff register LPAs. They supervise Deputies and provide information to help the Court of Protection with decisions.  They work with other agencies to consider any concerns about how an Attorney or Deputy is operating.

Mental Capacity Advocacy Service for Coventry

There is a statutory responsibility to provide an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) for adults who may not have capacity and do not have anyone else who can advocate on their behalf. This includes decisions about where a person lives and serious medical treatment.  An IMCA can also assist with a care review or where a person is subject to a safeguarding concern. It is the responsibility of staff in the NHS or Local Council to refer for an IMCA.

In Coventry the IMCA service is provided by 'VoiceAbility'. Visit the VoiceAbility website for more information about the service and to download an information leaflet and referral form.

Contact details

Head Office: VoiceAbility,
c/​o Sayer Vincent
110 Golden Lane,
London, EC1Y 0TG

Telephone Number  +44(0)3003031660
