What support can I get with my direct payment and how will it make my life better?

You can use your direct payment to pay to go on training courses when it is needed to support you or to pay for some of the costs of employing staff.

In exceptional circumstances, we can pay for family members living in the same house as you to help you manage your direct payment. Penderels Trust, are an organisation that is paid by the council to support people with managing their direct payments. They can be contacted on 024 7651 1611 or Coventry@penderelstrust.org.uk. You can find out more by visiting the Penderels Trust website.

You can also ask for help from your social care worker or our Independent Living team by telephoning 02475 270960 or sending an email to  independentliving@coventry.gov.uk

How can a direct payment make my life better?

People that have direct payments are able to choose who, how and when they are supported.

This means that they are able to have help that fits in with their life, their family and what they like to do or that they need to do.

Independent Living Team

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7527 0960