A graphic that says 'cost of living support is available'

Across Coventry, more and more people continue to feel the pressure from the increasing cost of living, which is why Coventry City Council and its partners are joining forces to support residents.

An event was recently held at Coventry City Council which brought over 70 people together including council staff and partners, representing 36 different organisations. Everybody shared not only the amazing work they are already doing in the city to help support residents with the Cost of Living but looked for opportunities to collaborate with each other to amplify the impact to residents.

Working in a true One Coventry style, the council and partners are looking to establish new relationships to help residents become more aware of how to take full advantage of all available resources, support and advice across the Coventry.

A One Coventry approach; the council, working together with  residents and partners is bringing people and organisations from across the city together to make the biggest, positive difference to the lives to those who live and work in the city.

Councillor David Welsh, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, said: “The rising cost of living is a very real situation that’s already affecting lots of families in Coventry. I’m really proud of the way that all sorts of organisations throughout the city are coming together to support people in need”.

“There are lots of people in the city facing hardship and through our One Coventry approach, we will work with our partners to provide as much support as we can to the people of Coventry.”

The council will soon launch a new cost of living campaign for the winter of 2023/24. The whole point of the campaign is to continue to signpost residents to the support available in Coventry and let them know where they can access this.

Lots of information will be publicised including details about how people can get support with benefits, finances, food hubs, school uniform, household bills, help with essentials and lots more.

Providing details of the venues that are open throughout the day to offer a warm welcome space is also part of this.

More information about Cost of living and wellbeing support in Coventry

Published: Thursday, 2nd November 2023