Group including Cllr Welsh outside a modular home

Customers have moved into their new homes as Citizen’s extended modular pilot is completed.

The housing association worked with Coventry City Council and ModPods International on the scheme to build 24 homes on former garage sites across Coventry.

Customer Wayne Millward is moving into one of the homes with his wife, Gillian. They are downsizing from their current two bed home.

He said: “A brand-new property will be amazing and it’s just round the corner from my dad, so it ticks all the boxes for me!

“With it being a brand-new home and having solar panels on the roof we are looking forward to it being much better for us in terms of energy bills and it will also be more manageable for us too.

“My wife and I are downsizing, we were in a two bed semi and we want a family to have our previous home as they will make better use of it than we will and we are moving into a bungalow which is more suitable for us.”

The modular homes are built at the Modpods International factory in Stoneleigh and are transported to site by truck. They are then craned into place and connected to services.

The homes which are a mix of bungalows and family houses have also been installed at Bradney Green, Coleman Street, Fletchamstead Highway, Attoxhall Road, Capmartin Road, Shepherd Close and Thimbler Road.

Executive director of development at Citizen Nick Byrne said: “We’re so pleased to hear about customers moving into our modular homes and what the new home means to Wayne and Gillian. It’s also brilliant to hear they are now able to move into the bungalow they were looking for and that they are freeing up a home for other families who are on the waiting lists.

“The handover of the homes at Wedon Close to customers nwill mark the completion of our extended modular pilot which has seen 24 homes built on eight garage sites across Coventry.

“There are many benefits to modular homes including high energy efficiency and, as they are built in a factory, they can be constructed in all weathers. When they are craned on to the site they are hooked up to the services and the house is ready to use. We hope all our customers who have moved into modular homes will be happy in their new homes.”

Councillor David Welsh, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities at Coventry City Council, added: “I’m really pleased to see 24 modular properties completed across garage sites in Coventry. This is a really efficient way to create homes.

“They’re affordable and energy efficient and I’d love to see more of these on similar small brownfield sites. 

“The Council, Citizen and other local agencies are doing all that we can to support families who are desperate to access good quality cost-effective homes. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis and we are desperate for the government to effectively fund this work.”

CEO from ModPods International Peter Farrelly added: “It’s great to be working with Citizen on this scheme to provide homes for people across Coventry

“ModPods International homes are built with robust steel frame structures, are insulated and compliant to meet building and fire regulations.

“We’re so pleased to have finished the site at Wedon and it’s great to see Citizen customers moving in.”

Published: Thursday, 7th December 2023