Cllr Kindy Sandhu visited a city community centre to take a closer look at how a programme delivering activities and food for local children is making a big difference in their community.

Canley Community Centre, run by Anna-Marie Corbett, is one of venues hosting the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programmes in Coventry. The centre operates with the help of volunteers and local residents who combine to deliver a holiday programme at the venue where the local community can come together and support each other.

Anna-Marie, who has led the winter programme, said:

"It's really important that local communities such as ours have a place where they can come, feel welcome and take part in social activities whilst having the option of enjoying food with their children whilst here.

"I have needed help before, so if I can help somebody, it doesn't matter how big or small the issue, that is exactly what I want to do in my life, because even if I can't do it, I'll find somebody who can."

The HAF programme arose from an identified need to support many parents and families across the city and country who are finding it hard to afford food and provide a warm, safe environment for their children, particularly at this time of year.

Cllr Dr Kindy Sandhu, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills at the Council, had the opportunity to meet with staff and children at the centre which has been providing a place for children to go where they can play, eat and have fun during the winter holidays.

Cllr Sandhu said:

"From what I have seen and what I have observed when visiting Canley Community Centre, is that the social and emotional impacts of the community centre on the children are just as great as feeding the kids.

"The great thing is that their bellies are full while their confidence is also growing. When I spoke to many of the children, they said they love to come because they have friends here."

In addition to the positive aspects of the programme in relation to bringing children and people together to have fun and be fed, Cllr Sandhu also addressed the stigma that sometimes can be attached to people using services such as the HAF programme.

She added:

"There is no stigma for people who attend the holiday programme. I know when I was young, I would have loved to go to somewhere like this.

"It is so welcoming, and its so important that programmes continue to be delivered because they do make such a difference to children and families in the city."

For more general information on the HAF scheme and activities visit:

Published: Monday, 15th January 2024