New Union Street car park

A new car park is set to replace the New Union Street multi-storey car park in the coming weeks.

Demolition crews will begin work on the multi-storey car park, next to junction 5 of the ring road on Monday 26 February. The car park has been closed for the last three years.

This will make way for a temporary ground level, surface level car park on the site as well as combining the neighbouring Cheylesmore car park.

The demolition will take 12 weeks to complete with some road diversions set to be in place on New Union Street.

Approximately 75 extra car park spaces will be available ahead of the demolition of the Barracks and City Arcade car parks as part of the City Centre South redevelopment.

Work is also well underway to create the new ShopMobility, complete with a Changing Places, on the ground floor of Salt Lane car park.

Cllr Patricia Hetherton, Cabinet Member for City Services said: “We have taken the decision to demolish New Union Street multi story car park. It was certainly tired and past it’s best and it has been closed for some time.

“We know we have car park capacity – but it will be good to get rid of a building that has turned into a bit of an eyesore in favour of a temporary surface level car park.”

Work on the demolition and reinstatement is expected to be completed by August this year. From Monday 26 February we will be starting work to demolish New Union Street multi-storey car park. We expect the work will take 12 weeks to complete. Working times will be between 7am and 6pm¸Monday to Friday and you may hear some noise during these times. Occasional Saturday morning work between 7am to 2pm may happen to accommodate the programme.

So we can carry out the work safely there will need to be some traffic diversions and these will be well signed. The zebra crossing on New Union Street near to the car park will also be unavailable while we carry out the work. Temporary footpath and road diversions that will affect access and out to Friars Road, Manor House Drive and Cheylesmore will be in place during the work so please follow the temporary diversions.

Once the car park has been demolished, we will also be constructing a temporary surface level car park on the site.  There will be a short gap between these two activities but the new car park work will be a relatively short operation, lasting approximately two to three weeks, and be wholly contained within the site boundary. 

Published: Thursday, 22nd February 2024