Pete and Steve standing together

This week is Learning Disabilities Week and to highlight this we are hearing from local people who want to make all of us more aware of what life is like when you have a learning disability.

One of those individuals is Peter Lau, a Shared Lives Approval Panel Member.

The Shared Lives Scheme recruits, approves and manages Carers in their family homes and environments for adults with additional support needs, to support individuals living as part of a family within local communities.

The scheme’s purpose is to ensure when matching Carers with individuals, lives are shared and each live positive and fulfilling lives.

Peter lives in Shared Lives with his Carer. He shares his home with his Carer and her family, and two other gentlemen that are also supported through Shared Lives Placements.

Peter is also a “Coventry Shared Lives Approval Panel Member” and is supported by his Carer to attend the Panels when recruiting new Carers to Schemes within the West Midlands area.

Peter is instrumental in asking questions and holding a vote on the Approval of new Shared Lives Carers, his input as an expert by experience is invaluable to the Scheme.

Peter was asked about his life, and how he feels living with his carer.

Peter said: “Living in Shared Lives makes my life feel so much better, I feel valued as I’m included in everything, nights out, the food I eat, holidays and activities, it makes me feel part of the family, I also feel free to do what I want to do.

“When I was asked to be part of the Panel, I felt so good, important and happy.

“I feel my opinions are respected and valued and my role is important, choosing people I think will make good carers, I also enjoy meeting new carers on the Panel, it shows me there are a lot of good people out there, it is good to be part of something so important.

Peter added: “It makes me feel good knowing I make a difference, to me and to new carers.”

The Scheme’s values are to ensure the service is shaped by the people that use it. We work to create a culture that includes the voices and opinions of those we support, to be seen, heard and valued, building a positive movement of change for people with Learning disabilities. 

Peter on the right is pictured with Shared Lives Officer Steve Shaw 

If you would like to know more about the Scheme please visit our Website

Published: Friday, 21st June 2024