Cllr sandhu with children enjoying haf activities

Children and young people from across the city have been making the most of their summer holidays by joining in the city’s HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) programme.

Last week the Olympics were recreated at Allesley Hall Primary School with over 100 children taking part in Olympic-themed events alongside traditional classic games, like tug-of-war and an egg and spoon race!

The Allesley Park-based school has hosted several days of HAF activities during the school holiday period and has proven to be a very popular venue attracting young people from right across the city.

Every HAF activity also includes a free meal for those taking part in recognition of the importance providing a nutritional food option for children during the day.

Cllr Kindy Sandhu, Cabinet Member, Education and Skills, who popped along to see the activities first-hand said:

“I love coming along to the activity days as it’s great to see so many children and young people having an enjoyable time, meeting new friends and coming together in the spirit of learning new skills, friendship and fun.

“The programme is clearly proving as popular, and much-needed, as ever as seen by how many families sign-up their children quickly to be part of the summer programme and I’m sure will be the case for the future programmes too later in the year.

“I was also particularly impressed by the way the school had engaged some of their former pupils as ambassadors to offer support to the current pupils in playing an active part in the activities, plus assisting those delivering activities on the day.”

The Olympic-themed sports day event was organised and led by local company, My Activities, and their Manager, Mark Styles, enjoyed the day too:

“The Olympics Day is one of the most popular days at the club during the summer and it was made even more special with those attending this year.”

This summer’s programme offered a huge range of activities at many venues across Coventry, plus trips to leisure venues and attractions outside the city too.

Could you be eligible for the HAF programme? Find out online.

Published: Thursday, 29th August 2024