If you live in Coventry, you will receive a form/email to check who is eligible to register to vote at your property.

There are two types of messages that you might receive by form/email:

Type 1 – Where we have used national and local data to confirm that information is correct.  If the information is correct you do not need to respond to this form, however, if the information is not correct then go to www.coventry.gov.uk/canvass and update the information.

Type 2 – We were not able to confirm all the information against national and local data, for this form you do need to respond even if the information is correct. You do this by going to www.coventry.gov.uk/canvass and either confirming or updating the information.

If the information is correct then you could respond by using the freephone or SMS service.

We want to encourage everyone to respond to the type 2 forms as soon as possible so that we do not have to send a reminder.

Emails will be sent from coventry.elections@notifications.service.gov.uk or noreplyelectoral.services@coventry.gov.uk and the subject heading is 'Act now so Coventry City Council can check who is eligible to be registered to vote at your address'.

Published: Friday, 20th September 2024