Coventry’s roads and pavements will benefit from a further £15 million investment this year, improving safety for vulnerable road users as well as scheduled repairs to keep the city moving.
Coventry’s roads and pavements will benefit from a further £15 million investment this year, improving safety for vulnerable road users as well as scheduled repairs to keep the city moving.
Some of the planned improvements include the introduction of pedestrian facilities and junction upgrades at traffic signal sites including Tile Hill Lane at Banner Lane, new enhanced crossing facilities including at Brays Lane, corridor reviews on key corridors including Radford Road and Longford Road and a number of school related initiatives including the expansion of our School Streets programme which is help young people to safely, conveniently and actively travel to school.
Highways repairs work along London Road, in Holbrooks Lane, Upper and Lower Eastern Green Lane, the Ring Road as well as sections of the A45 are planned, as well as other roads in need across the city.
There will also be investment in the city’s pavements to ensure pedestrians can move around safely.
Councillor Patricia Hetherton, Cabinet Member for City Services said:
“I think all residents will welcome this investment to make our roads and pavements safer for all. We will, as always, tackle the roads and pavements on a worst-first basis, through the maintenance programme and I’m pleased that we will continue to focus on pavements alongside roads and of course schemes to improve safety and reduce the number and severity of accidents.
“Our officers also regularly inspect our roads and add any identified defects into the planned repair schedule. We realise that we cannot repair every road that we would like with the available funding, but we have prioritised the ones that need it the most.
“Improving road safety is a priority for us and we know it for local people too, and good progress is being made, with rolling three-year data showing a 38% reduction in personal injury collisions and a 40% reduction in casualties occurring on roads within the city over the last 10 years (2015-2024).”
The programmes of network improvements and maintenance schemes will be considered for approval at Cabinet on Tuesday 18 March.