One Coventry Plan

What is the One Coventry Plan?
We have had a strategic, corporate plan for many years, and this has been refreshed regularly to ensure that it reflects our current priorities.
This time, the refresh is different. We are developing something that is more than a Council plan – a One Coventry Plan that embodies our One Coventry approach. It builds on the work that we have done in recent years as an organisation and with partners, including the way we have adapted and continued to deliver services during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The plan is more focused on the needs and aspirations of our communities than ever before. We have listened and reflected on what people have been telling us and considered the key issues facing the City.
For many residents, the Council represents the people who empty their bins, maintain the parks and roads, keep the streetlights on, look after older people, vulnerable children, and support people who are homeless, etc. These are all essential services and a significant part of what we do. However, we also play a key role in improving the city and making it a better place to live and work – this plan sets out how we intend to do this in the decade ahead.
What is One Coventry?
Our One Coventry approach describes the way that we do things, how we work together with our communities and partners to improve the city and improve people’s lives. One Coventry is a way of working that enables us to focus on the things that people value most of all, helping us to make the biggest possible impact on the lives of local people.
Our One Coventry approach focuses on enabling people to live their best lives in a vibrant and prosperous city. This can only be achieved by listening to, and collaborating with, those who live, work, visit and do business in our city, by having different conversations and building on the great things that are already happening.
But what do you think? Are these things important to you? Watch our video to find out more and have your say by filling in the short survey below.
Calling all young people, show us your ideas for what you’d like Coventry to look or feel like in 2030 by designing a poster. Download and print the poster template here(External link)
The closing date is Friday 2 September 2022. Anyone under 18 is welcome to enter
We’d love to talk to you about The One Coventry Plan. We are holding workshops where you can learn more about our priorities and tell us what your think.
Please note that due to Covid-19 and social distancing guidance, numbers are limited, the sessions will take place via a mixture of face to face and Teams online.
Register to attend one of our workshops. If you are a local resident/ member of an organisation please register your interest here (External link)
If you work for Coventry City Council please can you register here (External link)as we are holding specific workforce workshop sessions.
We hope to see you there.