What is the Coventry Parent Voice network?

The Coventry Parent Voice members are made up of mums, dads and carers from all over the city, working collectively to co-design and improve services for children, young people and their families.

By listening to your experiences and working together, we can shape the offer and help make the biggest impact for families in the first 1,001 days of a child’s life.

Our vision is to continue to strengthen the voice of families to ensure your feedback is heard and your views inform the services on offer at a wide range of places across Coventry.

We want to build a community of parents and carers who develop and share key messages and information in local communities and beyond.

Why should I join?

By becoming a member, you will be invited to share your views and talk to professionals about the services on offer. You will share information and key messages on Start for Life and Family Hubs with other families.

How do I join?

All we need is your email address and phone number, plus your name and area of the city you live in. We particularly want more dads and parents representing the diversity of Coventry families.

Is it free?

Yes, we will never ask anything of you other than your time and your expenses will be reimbursed.

What is involved?

You can choose to receive surveys, updates and be a remote member, or you can attend meetings and become more involved.

What impact have we made so far?

To date we have changed some groups to run all year round, we have helped design the Start for Life brochure and we are supporting the recruitment of new staff. We have even bigger ambitions!

What value do we bring?

We feel appreciated and encouraged to share our views, we have access to training and
get to meet lots of professionals from different areas. We can make real changes to help other families.

Get involved

To become part of the Coventry Parent Voice network and help to shape family services in Coventry, please email parentvoice@coventry.gov.uk or complete the expression of interest form.