We have created a number of residents' permit schemes [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/88/a_to_z].
These zones aim to protect on-street parking spaces outside people's houses, in areas where parking is limited, and problems are caused by parking by commuters and shoppers, etc.
Permits are for residents who live in a Permit Zone.
Permits are registered to vehicles registered at the property.
Parking in a Residents' Parking Zone when it is in operation without a valid permit is not allowed and you are likely to get a parking ticket.
If you do have a parking permit you should be aware that this does not guarantee you a place to park your vehicle, it only gives you permission to do so if space is available.
There are new Permit Schemes in the City Centre:
- Trinity Street / Burges area [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/city-centre-permit-schemes] (From 19 July 2023)
- High Street / Cathedral area [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/city-centre-permit-schemes] (From 3 June 2024)
Access to these areas is now restricted to Permit Holders and Authorised Vehicles between 10am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday.
Read our Residents' Permit Schemes terms and conditions [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/residents-parking-schemes/2] and Residents' Permit scheme privacy notice [/residentsparkingschemeprivacynotice].
- All Permit Zones [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/88/residents_permit_schemes/category/1206]
- City Centre Permit Zones [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/city-centre-permit-schemes]
- List of streets and properties in Residents' Permit Zones [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/residents-parking-schemes-street-list]
- Paper Permit Zones [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/88/residents_permit_schemes/category/1204]
- Permit Zones map [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6946/resident-permit-zones-map]
- Virtual Permit Zones [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/88/residents_permit_schemes/category/1205]
- How to apply for Permits and Visitor Voucher [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/parking-2/taranto-portal-guide]s
Access the Permit Portal [https://coventry.tarantopermits.com/]
Permit applications
- Residents in BH, EA, EA (Morningside), EW1, C3, CW, H1, HS, M, R, SW can apply for permits [http://coventry.tarantopermits.com/] from Monday 20 January 2025.
- When you've applied for a permit you will need to wait until you have received confirmation that your permit is active before parking within the permit area.
- If you have been sent an email regarding your permit application, please respond via your online account. [https://coventry.tarantopermits.com/]
- If you have requested a password reset, please check your spam folder.
- You will need to register and apply for your new Resident Permit(s) and Visitor Voucher(s) through the Permit Portal [http://coventry.tarantopermits.com/] - please see the relevant permit page for details of when you can apply.
- If you have problems using the Taranto Permit Portal please contact Parking Services on 024 7683 3400 Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm.
- If you apply via email for a permit in permit schemes that still are based on paper permits rather than virtual, you will need to require proof of address and vehicle registration.
Parking Services (Appeals and Permits)
Telephone: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Terms and conditions of use
General principles of operation
- The Council reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions of Use without notice and at any time.
- By applying for or purchasing any type of parking permit, the resident:
- Agrees that all the information that they have given in the application process is correct.
- Accepts and agrees to be bound by and comply with the Terms and Conditions of Use which may be amended from time to time.
- Agrees to be bound by and comply with the relevant Traffic Regulation Order.
- The maximum number of resident and visitor permits allowed per property will not be increased.
- The permit is only valid for use in the zone for which it has been issued during the times that the parking scheme is operational.
- The permit does not guarantee a parking space. Neither does it guarantee that the permit holder will be able to park directly outside of their property.
- The permitted vehicle can park in the scheme for as long as required on the proviso that the permit is used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.
- The Council has absolute discretion to revoke and cancel permits without notice, if it believes that the permit has been misused or has been obtained fraudulently.
- No refunds will be given for unused, unwanted or withdrawn / cancelled permits.
- Permits are valid from the date of issue until the expiry date unless it has been revoked or cancelled.
- The vehicle registration document (V5) must be provided together with proof of residency when applying for a permit. The Council may check its Council Tax records to confirm the eligibility of a resident for a permit.
- A Resident Permit will only be issued where:
- The vehicle is correctly registered with the DVLA at the property.
- The property is located within the residents’ parking scheme and zone in which the permit is required.
- The resident has paid the required fee for the permit.
- The resident has not previously been expelled or had permits withdrawn and cancelled.
- Permits will no longer be valid if the permit holder no longer lives at the permit address.
- It is an offence to provide false or misleading information when applying for permits and any individual who does so could be liable for a fine of £5,000 and / or imprisonment.
- Falsely or fraudulently obtaining or possessing a permit will invalidate the permit.
- Permits can only be assigned one vehicle registration number at a time.
- It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle registration number assigned to the permit is correct. An incorrect vehicle registration number may lead to the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice and a fine of £70.
- The permit holder is responsible for renewing the permit in a timely manner.
- Permits are not valid in car parks or where other parking restrictions apply (e.g. double yellow lines). Vehicles must be parked in accordance with the parking restrictions at all times.
Permit Misuse
- Permit Misuse will result in all permits that have been issued to the property being revoked and cancelled and no refunds will be given.
- Permits are for use by residents and their bona fide / genuine visitors only. Vehicles that are not ‘genuine visitors’ may be issued with a penalty charge notice and a fine of £70.
- Permits must be used in accordance with the relevant Traffic Regulation Order and the articles therein.
- Use of permits by anyone other than genuine residents and their visitors constitutes misuse.
- The selling or re-selling of permits (resident or visitor) is strictly prohibited and constitutes misuse.
- Reproducing, copying, defacing or altering a paper permit in any way constitutes misuse and the permit will not be considered valid for use.
- Any resident who is responsible for the misuse of a permit will be expelled from the parking scheme and will not be eligible for permits.
- Any resident who has been expelled from the scheme due to permit misuse is not allowed to park their vehicle within the residents’ parking scheme and the vehicle will be issued with a fine of £70 if they do.
Download a copy of the Resident parking permit terms and conditions [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/4512/resident-permit---terms-and-conditions].
Parking Services (Appeals and Permits)
Telephone: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Visitor permits and vouchers
Medical Permits
- For qualified medical professionals.
- Request details regarding a Medical Permit [mailto:parking.permits@coventry.gov.uk?subject=Medical%20Permit]
Visitors' Permits
- These are non-vehicle specific permits for people to use whilst visiting your property.
- If you have a Virtual Permit vehicle registrations can be changed online via your account.
Visitor Vouchers
- Visitor Vouchers are like digital ’scratch cards’ and last for 1 day only. They can be pre-set for a specific date.
- They are available via your online account [https://coventry.tarantopermits.com/].
- You will need a Visitor Account to purchase Visitor Vouchers.
- The vouchers run from 00:00am to 23:59pm on the day.
- You can use more than 1 voucher if you have a visitor staying overnight or for more than a day.
- Residents can have a maximum of 3 daily Visitor Vouchers at the same time.
- When a voucher has expired you can replace it the following day.
Parking Services (Appeals and Permits)
Telephone: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Request a new Residents' Parking Scheme
We receive a large number of requests for residents' parking schemes. Therefore, there are a number of criteria that must be met before a scheme can be considered.
The request must have the support of at least one Ward Councillor [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/councillors] and at least 60% of the properties included must be in favour of a scheme. There must also be less than 40% of parking spaces available during the daytime.
Before undertaking a parking survey, we would need to receive a petition [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/petitions] showing that a large number of households are in support of a scheme. Some important things to remember about residents' parking schemes are:
- Having a permit does not guarantee a parking space will be available
- A permit does not allow you to park on double yellow lines
- A permit can only be used in a specific scheme area
- There is a charge for a permit
Parking Services (Appeals and Permits)
Telephone: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097