Improving educational outcomes

School performance

As of March 2020, 91% of pupils attended a good/outstanding primary school – a decrease by 4 percentage points to 91%, the city is still 3% points above national and 5% points above similar authorities. In secondary, 71% of pupils attended a good/outstanding - a decrease by 9% points. Although 9% points below national the city is just 1% point below similar authorities. All Special schools in Coventry continue to be Good or Outstanding exceeding rates for national and similar authorities.

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Fewer permanent exclusions

The percentage of pupils with permanent exclusions reduced in primary and secondary schools. In primary schools the percentage reduced from 0.03% March 2019 to 0.01% in March 2020. With the introduction of the inclusion support and the interventions by KEYS and GATEWAY the improved picture for primary permanent exclusions has been sustained. In secondary schools the percentage reduced from 0.06% March 2019 to 0.04% March 2020. The supported transfer systems have stabilised the number of pupils out of education and has reduced the number of exclusions. Successful supportive transfers now outweigh the number of failed supportive transfers.                                                                                                                                                   

School attainment

The Council monitors results at the end of year 6 (key stage 2), year 11 (key stage 4) and year 13 (key stage 5).
At year 6, Coventry pupils continue to perform better than the average for similar areas

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In 2019, the key stage 2 expected standard in reading, writing and maths stayed the same at 62%. This is 1% above the average for similar areas. Over half of the key priority groups have reduced the gap with national average including the city priorities of pupil premium and special educational needs.

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At year 11, attainment 8 score improved, and the gap narrowed with the national average

Attainment 8 measures pupils’ attainment across 8 qualifications. Coventry’s Attainment 8 score improved by 0.3 to 43.6 compared to the national rate of improvement of 0.2 to 46.7. In 2019 at KS4 more priority groups made progress with increased scores.

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Coventry’s performance in the ‘strong pass’ (headline measure) category has improved by 0.5ppts, compared to a national improvement of 0.1ppts, therefore closing the gap to national and an improved position in the LA ranking. However, Coventry’s performance in the ‘standard pass’ (additional measure) category has declined by 0.8ppts, compared to an increase in national by 0.5ppts, therefore the gap to national has widened by 1.3ppts.

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City performance improved for each KS5 measure and is above target for Tech Level and General Applied.

The high participation rates in our post 16 provision sees many students achieving great success on vocational courses (Tech Level) and achieving average attainment on the more traditional A Level route where the full range of ability access these courses to progress into Higher Education.

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