Active communities & empowered citizens

Engaging local communities

One Coventry Plan Annual Performance Report 2019-20  Let's Talk Coventry

Let’s Talk Coventry (                                                                                                                                                                       

The Council has a new engagement platform called Let’s Talk Coventry which has enabled us to generate better connectivity and collaboration amongst local communities.
The platform has improved our online engagement offer through the use of a variety of deliberative tools as well as surveys. The graph below shows the increase in engagement with the platform.     

Let's Talk

In addition, Let’s Talk Coventry has allowed us to co-ordinate and improve quality of consultation across the Council and reach a far wider audience. Several engagement events were held as part of the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). They were viewed as great networking opportunities and a chance for everyone that came to find out what other great work is going on in their areas.
The information gathered provides a snapshot of current and future health and care needs of the local community as well as local assets that can help improve things and reduce inequalities.   

Feeding Coventry and social supermarket    

Feeding Coventry is a small charity with big ambition: to create a food resilience city in Coventry where nobody goes hungry. They are committed to working with partners and local communities to tackle the root causes of hunger, build food security, provide low cost food to vulnerable groups and support people in crisis.
In March 2020 Feeding Coventry opened Coventry’s first ‘Social Supermarket’, an innovative model for providing affordable, good quality food alongside local produce and goods and wraparound advice services.        


Disability Equality Action Partnership

The Disability Equality Action Partnership brings together representatives from a variety of groups supporting disabled, Corporate Partners and the Council.
In 2019/20, the group has been working together with West Midlands Combined Authority on a Coventry Disability Transport Charter to ensure that transport is for everyone not just the able bodied.
The Disability Transport Charter should be launched in 2021.